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What Happens To Euro Paintball If....


Jul 9, 2001
There's enough Inteligent people in the EXL to figure out the How.
If i was involved with the EXL i'd sure as hell be thinking about how...
I guess my point is that if you have the right vision, the details become evident.
One big 'How' would be to get the EXL televised... that'd be a start. How you get it televised, well that's another thing, but if i was running the EXL that's where i'd start.

But yes, it all depends on a rather large 'IF'


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Red_Merkin
Ok, so i remember a conversation between Paul Aulders and someone else at Campaign Cup next year, and Paul was saying something to the effect that he's spent too much money on his franchise to give it to some 'poor little paintball company', and that he was biding his time until someone big (coca-cola or Pepsi big) wanted a piece of the action, and he'd be there to sell it to them. His vision was to build something that was worth something, so when the pay off came it'd be worth it. For Paul, his goal wasn't just to be the best, it was to be worth something to someone with money!

And the Payoff is that although Paul went with Crossman, he went with a big company that has more resource than just it's paintball division... and plans to do something within the paintball industry

I guess this is what i'm getting at with the EXL; instead of ditching it in favor of playing in the NPPL why not make the EXL into something that means something in Europe? Most people think that if you're not top dog in America, then you're nothing, but there's more to the World that the USA, and Europe is a much bigger market.
The trend is for American companies to become massive within the american market, to the point that in order to grow the company they have to look to foregin Markets. A lot of big companies are looking to Europe, potentially the market is much bigger here, there's a lot more people for a start! I can think of one company's European divisions who's goals for the next 5 years is to surpass the American divisions in sales. In short Europe can be bigger than the USA, the potential is there.

So to get back on track, what i'm saying is who gives a toss what the Yanks are doing? Let them do their thing, and let's do our own thing here! What works with the NXL and NPPL, what works for American team won't nescessarly work in Europe. The EXL has to be something else in order to be successful and sustain the teams that play in it.

Europe used to be the bench mark for Paintball tournaments, now the NPPL has taken a step forward and possibly taken the crown from the Millennium Series, and it's time to adapt. What used to work for tournaments dosn't work across the board anymore. It's time to take what we have do something with it.

If the American Dream is so important, then what's the point of living in Europe, paying a fortune to fly half way around the world, to compete with the Americans? Why not just move there and get a life there? (easier said than done i know). If you're going to go for it, why not go all the way?

Or take control of the EXL and make it into something that's profitable, that's sellable, because at least you'll be in control of it. If you could turn the EXL into something the European People are into, that European Business support you'd have the resources to do a Sergi, hire coaches, train every day, and pay your players. As it stands i see the teams jumping ship for the NPPL being short sighted, in the sense that it'll keep their sponsors happy for the next year or two, but it gives them no long term growth in their revinue. How are you going to get a European Sponsor to support your team if you don't even play in Europe? And do you really think an American Sponsor is going to support a foregin team (to the level that Sergi supports his team?) when they could sponsor a less expensive domestic team?

All this is based on one assumption: in order to catch up with the Americans Euro teams will have to train more than the americans. Coaches, Trainers, an entire lifestyle as an athlete. I believe the only hope Euroballers have of being the best in the world is to follow Sergi's example as closely as possible.

Hey at the end of the day, you guys are the teams, and it's your money, and your future. I just hope you havn't missed something.
Col, all fine and dandy mate...one slight problem though, we ain't got the same Paintball demographic as the US, nowhere frikkin near.

When Europe has got over 10 million ballers strutting their stuff perhaps us Euros can say, 'Bollocks to you Yanks we are gonna do our thang' but until that time we are held hostage by all that is American.


Jul 9, 2001
If I was Laurent...
that's a big IF. ;)
I'm wasn't aware of what happened with the TV thing that was supposed to be happening, but that's not to say that because Laurent couldn't do it, that it can never happen.

When Europe has got over 10 million ballers strutting their stuff
There is the possiblitiy though of 10 million people in Europe watching paintball though if it was on TV. Ballers shouldn't really be the target demographic unless you're selling paintball gear, because the already spent all their money on playing paintball.

The target audience is anyone who's interested in watching something fun and exciting, although it's true you have a much bigger chance of getting people to watch the program if they're into the sport. I mean how many people watch horse racing, or motor sport, but they're not participants in the sport themselves.

I can see that there's a lot here that i'm not totally up to speed on, and i'm aware that i've probably oversimplified several key issues here, so if i'm way off target somebody please say so.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Originally posted by Red_Merkin
that's a big IF. ;)
I'm wasn't aware of what happened with the TV thing that was supposed to be happening, but that's not to say that because Laurent couldn't do it, that it can never happen.

There is the possiblitiy though of 10 million people in Europe watching paintball though if it was on TV. Ballers shouldn't really be the target demographic unless you're selling paintball gear, because the already spent all their money on playing paintball.

The target audience is anyone who's interested in watching something fun and exciting, although it's true you have a much bigger chance of getting people to watch the program if they're into the sport. I mean how many people watch horse racing, or motor sport, but they're not participants in the sport themselves.

I can see that there's a lot here that i'm not totally up to speed on, and i'm aware that i've probably oversimplified several key issues here, so if i'm way off target somebody please say so.

Paintball is a participation sport, when there are moves to sanitise it, esepcially at the domestic level it ain't ever going to work on TV in it's current format. If DC and or Disney can't get it work you gotta wonder whether anyone can.

Since Europe does not encourage or nurture "own gunners", Tournament paintball as it is, is only going to have very very limited appeal. Sadly.



Originally posted by stongle

Since Europe does not encourage or nurture "own gunners", Tournament paintball as it is, is only going to have very very limited appeal. Sadly.

The PC term for Paintball guns is 'Bullet Chuckers', as you well know young man...now wash your mouth out and think of the conseqences of your posts in future.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Originally posted by duffistuta
The PC term for Paintball guns is 'Bullet Chuckers', as you well know young man...now wash your mouth out and think of the conseqences of your posts in future.
Your quite correct, I humbly apologise. In fact, so much so I feel only self immolation with a Frisbee will make up for my short comings.

Would you care to be my kaishikunin, and deliver the coup- de-grace with an aerobee?


Only an official size and weight Ultimate-approved frisbee is acceptable, grasshopper.

Back on topic, one way to follow through on Colin's plan would be to hire a marketing/PR agency whose client was the EXL specifcally...I believe the NPPL made that move some months back and it's paying dividends. Whether an agency could be hired on a commission only basis I don't know, but I suspect there would need to be some initial outlay by the EXL owner.