Sergey was, and still is, convinced that XBall is the way to go.
This belief led him to think that there was no way XBall in Europe would fail for 2005 or at least the NXL would flourish and he could then go to play in the US if the EXL faltered.
I think he has somewhat changed his mind about which way XBall is going.
The root cause of Sergey's decision not to play NPPL and thereby pick up his 2005 7-man option was that he did not want to train two formats or have his players have the mindset of playing two.
He wanted to concentrate 100% on XBall and if you look at the way his guys play, it's testament to the man as to what is achievable when you focus resources.
I doubt now he can be wild-carded into the NPPL, though for the NPPL, it would be a smart move for marketing purposes (especially in the US) it wouldn't however go down too well with the 18 teams who sweated blood and money in getting their spots.
The RL are in Limbo at the moment and Sergey will if he can, pick up the NXL option if it's available next year.
There are and have been continuing talks between the NXL and RL so if they do go over, it's not as if it's a surprise or anything.
Col : to keep the EXL alive, it has to be funded mate, both at promoter level and at team level. Nick makes a valid point in bringing in media coverage, what sponsor is gonna back an EXL team to the hilt just to watch the NPPL mop up in the magazines, it ain't gonna happen.
The EXL wouldn't have all the top teams and thereby render it relatively unattractive to report on.
I agree 100% with you that XBall is by far the best format to play and watch but XBall is at the moment held hostage by the NXL and its attendant limitations.
The only thing that saves the EXL in any coherent form is this, Dick Clark (or whoever) starts filming in 2005 and some of that dosh begins to flow eastward in 2005, no longer timescale is gonna hack it.
If teams over here were better sponsored or financed, perhaps we could hang around a little longer but we ain't, it's as simple as that mate.
Nick As I told you yesterday, I wouldn't run away with this whole idea that once you play XBall you are turned into superballers. Infamous got 8th place in Toulouse, my Nexus feeder team got fifth, they ain't ever played get my point.
I ain't biggin' up what Nexus Eclipse achieved, they did what they did, but let's not get carried away with this whole idea that XBall is the only way forward for players to improve.
They can fast track their way to excellence if they train correctly as Nexus feeder team has shown and this does not necesaarily include XBall.
Gareth Cheers mate, much appreciated !
PS Back is improving and has finally stopped bleeding