Reloaded Board by FCP
My name is Vincent Clerc. I am the founder and CEO of French Connection Paintball (FCP) and the designer of the Reloaded board.
I'd like to make things clear.
The Reloaded[TM] is a commercial Product. SO please, do not associate the Reloaded and the TONTON.
Yes, TONTONs are using my board, but hundreds of other players are using it and with great satisfaction!
I try very hard to give the Reloaded users the best a board can give.
This means adding new functionalities like Breakout or adjustable ROF.
So please don't mix up what you read in the documentation (which explains what the board can do) and the way it is used by some players.
I freshly added breakout mode and ROF to keep up the pace with TADAO, Virtue Boards, and other board builders that have recently announced the same modes.
What I have read here is full of non sense.
Let me explain some things:
"Manike" says "OK... so they just admitted to having velocity ramping." when quoting a part of the Reloaded 2.00 firmware update "First of all, we added a ROF concept, that is automatically compensate for DWELL adjustment to guaranty an accurate "ball per second" adjustment"
First THEY admit nothing. Their use the BOARD and only use IT. I designed it, I program it and I write the documentation.
The TONTONs only offered me to promote the board... So THEY have nothing to do with the way the board functions!!!!!!
Being the creator of this firmware, I'll explain “Manike” what the sentence he quoted means, because he's mixing things up.
If on one hand, the user is allowed to putt a certain value in the DWELL parameter, and if on the other hand, the programmer (ME) hardcodes a recharge time considering a mean value entered by the user.
You will get a ROF that is approximately around the expected ROF. Because you can't know at program time what the user will set in the DWELL value. So, respecting the rules edicted by the different tournements, like the MILLENNIUM or of the PSP becomes very hard.
That was actually the way the 1.5x firmware was functioning...
In the 2.00 firmware, I have taken this limitation into account. So now, the board makes a calulation at run time, right after the DWELL has been set by the user, so that if the ROF (which is also adjustable by the user) is set to 15, it is actually 15. Not 15.6. Not 14.2 but 15 just as set.
So this has nothing to do with velocity ramping!!!!!!! The DWELL parameter set by the user is strictly respected. The ROF is strinctly respected. It's something that is invisible to the user that is adjusted by the board: THE RECHARGE TIME.
Which is the time, the gun HAS to wait before starting a new cycle of shoot.
'Hope it's clearer now...
To answer to "Beaker", pointing out the "Breakout" mode.
Yes, the board has a Breakout mode, just like other boards in the market have!
If you read the documentation correctly, you should have noticed that I also specify that the breakout will jump to the FCP mode.
This is hard coded and can not be changed by the user.
FCP is also clearly identified as a non legal GAMETYPE. But if you read correctly, I wrote in bold that the reloaded can not set the GAMETYPE for you !!!!
This means that if you use the breakout mode, you'll jump to FCP. So you should not use this MODE in tournament.
The FCP mode is a special mode for training and fun. It's highly customisable but it is the responsibility of the player to put the board in the correct GAMETYPE given the tournament he participates...
I can not do this for him, nor can the board detect the tournament you are playing in!!!!!
So, please do put the blame on the board!!!!! For Christ sake!!!!! I am not a magician, nor am I M. Spoke!!!
So please don't ask me impossible things!
You mentioned the breakout mode, but said nothing on the other modes!
Did you notice that the board offers a MILLENNIUM mode, a PSP mode and an NXL mode that are a 100% compliant with the rules !!!!!
I am ready to put my board on a bench, and compare its timing accuracy with any board on the market.
I am pretty sure that the reloaded is the most accurate board of the market at this time and the board that gives its user
the most confidence in timing respect with regard to the RULES of MILLENNIUM, PSP, and NXL!
To answer to "John C" (and "Manike") that says "The TonTon shocker board has something called ADOC, automatic drop off control".
Yes, you are right. ADOC stands for Automatic Drop Off Control. Which functions this way. If your are in FCP mode and if your gun stays inactive for more thant 20 seconds, the first shot will be boosted with an adjustable value (user defined).
This ADOC system is only available in FCP mode (NOT in MILLENNIUM, NPPL, PSP and NXL mode because it is strictly forbiden by the rules).
Remember that FCP mode is firstly designed for fun and training. When you are training you don't want to play with your spuigy all the Sunday.
So even if you don't fire for a long period, you don't have to worry of the first shoot. It won't be stuck in the barrel!!!
This is something that many "Big Game" Players asked for because they often play "duck" hunt...
Only the first shoot is boosted. Only the first ONE!!!! What ADOC fights is the electrical loses in the capacitors that feed the solenoid.
And more than that, this boost given to the first ball after 20 seconds of inactivity is just enough to blow the paintball out of the gun.
This avoids the first paintball to be stuck in the barrel and being sprayed out by the following paintball that are at the correct velocity.
So, "John C", what you suppose is wrong. ADOC does NOT means "that it increases the dwell when you are shooting fast, to 'combat drop off'.".
If you want to combat drop off, ask Smart Part to redesign their guns!!!
As I mentioned above ADOC is NOT ACTIVATED in LEGAL tournament modes!!! But, even it was, BUT IT IS NOT, what player would wait for 20 seconds in a tournement just to get the ADOC shot and see the paintball fall 2 feets in front of him...
It's not serious!!!
I insist on that last point: please, once again, don't mix the TONTONs and the RELOADED.
If you want them to be banished from the tournament, that’s fine. If they deserve it, it's OK for me!
Do they have bounce or tricks on their gun, I don't know.
I can remember of the dynasty being caught with auto response or even near full because of the bounce, but no one asked for TADAO boards to be banished from official tournaments!!!!!!
So please don't point out the board!!!! The TONTONs have been given normal boards. They even paid for their boards (not much, but they paid)!!!
I am not responsible for what 7 players do with their boards...
Please, think of those hundreds of happy customers that use my Reloaded and won't understand why this board should be banned from the tournaments!!!!
Don't make any (false) assumptions about the software unless you perfectly know what you say. And at least contact me if you want to know something! Please.
Would you banish the BMW cars from the roads because of this BMW driver that killed people because he was driving at 160mph??
It doesn't seam faire for BMW, no???
So, LET THE RELOADED out of this mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s a fair alternative to American boards and it’s European… So please, don’t kill my efforts with your stupid war against the TONTONs!!!!
Another thing, an US board have been banned (the advantage board I think) because it proposed a secret cheat sequence to activate cheats mode. People could customise his own cheats code on demand. WE DO NOT PROPOSE THAT. Once you select a mode you can't swap with another. All the programmation can be done only if the grip is opened, it's a mandatory rule, written in any rules book. We are compliant with all the rules. I know a lot of boards that can be programmed with buttons that are on the frame and not INSIDE the grip... those are not compliant and I didn't see any complains on them. So please don't mix up things.
CEO and Founder of FCP"