Back to french bashing!
First quick point....One of my team mates still has a very nice scar on his arm from being hit by a ton ton from across the field at amsterdam, fair enough if he got mugged but this was a regulation shot, 300 fps doesn't do that!.
Secondly.... We played Vision at campaign, they played some good games throughout the tournament but totally lost our respect in the game against us. One guy hits the tape on the JT field, gets taken on his hopper and gun , runs down the tape and takes out three of our guys......Now he was called out by the marshall at the time of the hit, at the end of the game the marshall wiped him down and claimed not to have called him out.
Interestingly enough the marshall was ....... that's right, you guessed it ..... FRENCH!, with the amount of comlaints I heard over the weekend about french refs, something has to be done!.
Thats my worthless couple of pence anyway!