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Oooooh!! Dynasty FA Scandal!!

Then clean your glasses, Potter...


Bottom line is, I don't give a rat's ass about FA - what I give a **** about is a level playing field and, since everyone and his dog is busy telling us that there is no way of dealing with ultra-sophisticated gun cheats, we have two things:

1. An uneven playing field.
2. A recipe for disaster

So what I'm interested in is finding solutions, cos 1 means you ain't got a sport and 2 means someone's gonna get hurt - neither of those is acceptable to me.

Now whether tha answer is FA, or restricting teams to 3 pots a game, or making everyone wear 100lb fat suits, I don't know, but I wanna see some intelligent debate about it and I figured this was tha place to do it, cos all I see now is crying and bitching about the current, untenable situation, but a lack of will to try and find a workable solution.

Sorry, caught myself being serious there for a minute - ignore me.


New Member
Sep 19, 2003
West Mids
Looks like FA is out of the question for Europe... (imo it would deteriate the game) .. the only other option looks like they will have to setup an FA league in the states if that many players feel so strongly that they want to go that way...

Real question is.. who is going to set the standards/rules that non FA leagues would play by??.. On the entry rules & regs of the tournaments?? the PA? UKPSF?

The manufacturers seem to be making a hell of a lot of markers that can be easily "tweaked" to do what you want.. are we going to get a list of what players can and cant have? or can we get a safety device that'll only allow a set rof??

Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Then clean your glasses, Potter...


Bottom line is, I don't give a rat's ass about FA - what I give a **** about is a level playing field and, since everyone and his dog is busy telling us that there is no way of dealing with ultra-sophisticated gun cheats, we have two things:

1. An uneven playing field.
2. A recipe for disaster

So what I'm interested in is finding solutions, cos 1 means you ain't got a sport and 2 means someone's gonna get hurt - neither of those is acceptable to me.

Now whether tha answer is FA, or restricting teams to 3 pots a game, or making everyone wear 100lb fat suits, I don't know, but I wanna see some intelligent debate about it and I figured this was tha place to do it, cos all I see now is crying and bitching about the current, untenable situation, but a lack of will to try and find a workable solution.

Sorry, caught myself being serious there for a minute - ignore me.
OK, that's makes your stance crystal clear. Cool.

Surely the best option (and one suggested by others before) is that the manufacturers start making clear 'tamperproof seals' on all boards.

Then at the tournament beginning as players and teams are booked in all markers should be inspected, with plastic grips removed to check that boards still have the manufacturers tamper proof seal intact. Markers that don't have the seal get rejected from said tournament.

After that all markers that make it through (which will probably be about 99% anyway) get all the usual bounce tests carried out as they would normally before each game etc.

Maybe the odd person will fiddle with their marker after it gets checked but realistically, you will never prepare for every eventuality. In reality most people aren't trying to 'cheat' anyhow.

But for this to work manufacturers have to stump up some cash and kudos and the tournament organisers need to set a date for it to come into force and rigidly enforce it.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
Originally posted by Ben Frain
In reality most people aren't trying to 'cheat' anyhow.
Well, hold up there chief, are you sure about that?

A few may well be tempted to sacrifice a few morals, if it gained a level playing field. Like even at novice level how many times have you heard "well so and so teams wipes / plays-on, so we're going to do it".

Saw it quoted on another thread on another popular'ish site just the other day...

Having spent about 2hrs in total checking players guns this weekend I have become really p*ssed off with the whole issue. After thinking about it today I am starting to look at it the same way I look at chronoing.
I know I can set my gun to shoot at 300fps, pushing the rule to the limit. I can then hardly complain when it slips of the limit and I have to turn it down.
The same can be said for my guns, I can set them with short light triggers to get them shooting really fast. The risk is that they will then bounce and I will have to sort it out. However, if I didn't push the rules on bounce by setting my trigger so short and light (or the chrono rule by setting my gun at 300fps) then I would have no problems. Everyone knows that they get bounce because they set their guns up that way, its no mystery; lighten the spring, set it short et voila! bounce.

Finally I will give you two examples to try to prove my point:
I had a Shocker on my field this weekend (not Dynasty before you all go assuming) and the gun bounced really bad. I told the player he had a little time to fix the problem and all he did was lengthen the trigger and it didn´t bounce any more.
Secondly was an E-Blade which failed the Millennium bounce rule and again, given time, the player changed the bounce filter setting and low and behold, no bounce.

Both of these players could have come to the field with their guns not bouncing but chose to set them that way.

If you choose to play close to the fire then don´t be surprised if occasionally you get burnt.

Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Originally posted by stongle
Well, hold up there chief, are you sure about that?

A few may well be tempted to sacrifice a few morals, if it gained a level playing field. Like even at novice level how many times have you heard "well so and so teams wipes / plays-on, so we're going to do it".

Saw it quoted on another thread on another popular'ish site just the other day...
Wiping can not really be realistically compared in this instance to FA markers though can it? No safety/legality issues with wiping are there?

Anyone can choose to wipe a hit, it is quite another thing to seek, purchase and install an extra board or access a 'cheat' for a marker through playstation style button configs.

I refer to cheating in this instance within the constraints of the FA debate we are having, not in any other possible variations.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
Originally posted by Ben Frain
Wiping can not really be realistically compared in this instance to FA markers though can it? No safety/legality issues with wiping are there?

Anyone can choose to wipe a hit, it is quite another thing to seek, purchase and install an extra board or access a 'cheat' for a marker through playstation style button configs.

I refer to cheating in this instance within the constraints of the FA debate we are having, not in any other possible variations.
Aprreciated it's not even in the same ballpark, but it's that mindset that kinda delivered us to this situation?

Although I do agree that if your going to push the limit sometimes your going to go over it.