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NXL trigger rule change...


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Originally posted by BOOGIE
Now i noticed that yall are arguing over the legality of semi- auto to full auto guns well im sure there are ramifications about guns but we use a PAINTBALL MARKER not a gun.Yes i say tamato and you say tomato but thats the differance between guns and Paintball Markers.We use a glorified toy thats all but the sooner yall use the right terminoligy the law wont bother you a bit :)

Sorry, but that's completely irrelevant bull**** when it comes to the UK and European laws.


EnHaNcE tHa TrAnCe
Jul 9, 2002
Stockholm, EU
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So I suppose you see why we're trying to draw a line however imperfect that line may be. I plan to warn all the players at the captains' meeting at Campaign Cup that if their guns are illegal they subject themselves to arrest for a serious firearm violation that could mean missing flights home (max five years). It is hypothetically true and I wonder if we couldn't be held as accessories to a felony for allowing and even glorifying it.

Let the other leagues go to hell in a handbasket if they will. We want PB to stay legal for a while longer and we don't want a free-for-all until there's a double-blinding or death-blow to a temple.

Didn't the guns in Amsterdam and Toulouse appear to be under control and semi-only?

If it's like I perceived we have proven it can be done even if it is a slightly painfull process. I saw guns that tend to bounce and blaze shooting fast but not out of control. I was right in the middle of the pros in the semis and finals and was up close. I saw no shooting that appeared or sounded like it was faster than what I can achieve totally legally.


Lord of the Ringtones
They could have tried using the RoboRefs that the NPPL uses to check guns for legality rather than stooping to this, but I guess they didn't want to lay out the cash. Oh well, the insurance companies will have some nice price hikes for them, in addition to legal tangles, as I'm sure municipalities and venues will give them a stern examination on the issue. Money will talk louder than all the speculation, and my guess is that it won't stand.


New Member
May 21, 2004
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oh i do agree steve and i want to be clear that in Oslo yall better have your markers under control.I want to keep this a safe and fun game for everyone.
As for the topic that started this thread i just hope its only the NXL that gose wide open.Only time will tell if its the right or wrong way.But now it falls to me to try and keep order in the chaos which is now the have machine markers now they have to be responsable with there new toys for 5 min over shooting penelties will probably handed out quite often if they want to be irresponsable with there toys.
Fourtanatly i get to work the EXL where life is good and as long as everyone leaves there markers the way they were in DMA we should have no problems :) as for our 2 misfourtunate players whos markers were DQ'ed get em right and all will be well :)


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
I can honestly say that as long as you do implement decent overshooting policies that this could be a good thing for the NXL.

I personally like watching people play with machine guns. :D

But I don't want to see these guns making it to local rec fields or practices...

And that will take how long? Oops too late already.


Aug 15, 2002
Cook$ mom's house
I'm curious, has this rumour actually been confirmed by anyone in a position of authority?

All it seems to be so far is some kid on PBN saying that a nameless figure has said so.

Must be getting cynical in my old age:D


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Originally posted by MrPink
I'm curious, has this rumour actually been confirmed by anyone in a position of authority?

All it seems to be so far is some kid on PBN saying that a nameless figure has said so.

Must be getting cynical in my old age:D
Gareth... you don't know who Boogie is do you...

And the fact many of the people in this thread who know about what's going on are saying it is true...




Aug 15, 2002
Cook$ mom's house

I know who Boogie is (met him very briefly in Amsterdam whilst pit-crewing for the Tigers), but unless I missed the post where he officially confirms it, all I've read is conjecture (ooh, I used a big word :D)

P.s Boogie, keep up the good work! I don't think I'd like to Ref NXL now;)

P.p.s Simon, you coming over for Campaign?


Pastor of Muppets
Aug 11, 2002
Originally posted by Red_Merkin

And it may put new players off the sport, if what they're exposed to on TV is a group of dudes inflicting great bloody welts on their opponants!

There is a movie out right now in the US called Dodgeball. It is a comedy. The thing that strikes me as pertinent is that there are a lot of scenes where someone gets creamed in the face by a rubber ball, which knocks them off their feet as if they were 10 year olds (the players are all adults). The theatre cheered whenever someone got blasted. The crowd sounded just like this 3 on 1 in Tampa where I was at the center 40 block on the NPPL field and came over the top for a peek.

People really enjoy seeing someone get their head torn off. They identify with the tearer, not the tearee. The kids that get scared away wouldn't last in the reality of tournament paintball anyway.

There are democratic governments in charge of a lot of those European countries with the FA prohibitions, right? Meaning, with some effort and public awareness, laws that govern paintball could be changed? Forgive me if the King is still in charge and I completely misunderstand your legal systems. But even then, couldn't someone curry favor with the nobility?


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Originally posted by gyroscope
There are democratic governments in charge of a lot of those European countries with the FA prohibitions, right? Meaning, with some effort and public awareness, laws that govern paintball could be changed? Forgive me if the King is still in charge and I completely misunderstand your legal systems. But even then, couldn't someone curry favor with the nobility?
Hahahahahahah, no, really? seriously? Are you entertaining the notion that democarcy works? hahahahhaah

Changing the law on FA in the United Kingdom? No chance...not in a billion years, especially wiyh a lot of the 'nanny state' legistation that has been coming in over here recently. Laws or revisions are devised (see 'dreamt up due to media pressure') in parliment it is then debated in the house of commons (like congress but with a 2 drink minimum) between elected MPs. It is then voted upon and if sucessful it is passed on to the upper house, the house of lords which is made up by a variety of characters.....mainly old former MPs (no longer any hereditary peers). Again the law or resivision to current legislation is debated upon and voted before it is finally approved.

King? Nobility? curry favour? hahaha.....firstly we have a Queen, not a King, secondly her practical powers are very reduced, althouygh she does still act as an official head of state and tourist attraction. Paintballers and those affected by a revision of the law are in such a tiny minority that any amount of lobbying or protesting wouldnt even register on the political map. The chances of the firearms laws getting slackened is nonexistant, if anything they may be getting tighter soon.