Originally posted by Robbo
No sorry I don't, the fact that I am well past my sell by date when it comes to gettin back in the ring has little do with the Kelly's situation.
The one thing I think I can get you to relate to Boxing and I get shot down like an Iraqi in a paper bag over down town Bagdad.
So you said
''I would much rather be last placed Pro than first placed Am, one arena I can evolve in if I put the work in''
But thats the problem Robbo, you can either ''evolve'' as you put it, and finish in the back end for a few years and maby one day lift a trophy or play at the top Am level and get results and enjoy playing, cause you havn't just flew all the way around the world to come last mate.
One more thing, I don't think Kelly's or teams like them are making a bad decision to stay Am, unfortunelty history has shown us that UK teams going pro are not going to end up where they want to be. I'm not trying to get beef here I'm just saying teams have choices they can go pro and finish as our teams are now 10th, 5th wherever or play Am and have a REALISTIC chance of winning.
Which beleive it or not Pete is the reason why most young guys play paintball because they want to win mate, 2nd place aint even good enough.
Playing to win is an addiction once you win once thats it your playing to win from now on and like I said 2nd place isn't even good enough.
If you have drive and ambition ur playing to win, anyone who tells me there a top balla but are happy to make up the numbers from 2nd place to last needs to take a walk and have a word with themself.
I'm not saying everyone should drop a division to make it easier to win, I'm saying if you can't realistcly win (as in you've no chance of ever beating Dynasty best of 3) then whats the point in playing pro, to help along with the prize money funds by paying entry so those boys can walk off and take it and carry on living their dream??
Ye get me???????????
Mak D