Recently there was a tournament in Madrid organized by Estratego-Spain, and Pedro was in Portugal at the Iberian Championship.
So he organized two events for the same day in direct competition ?
Based on this it was impossible for me to know that both Estrategos are the same person, Pedro.
Sorry for my ignorance Mark.
Back to the Mega MS
“They have got away with it for the last few years, good weather and forgiving teams have allowed this”
That’s clearly unfair.
Last year we had the best leg and two years ago the third.
I have been present in all the Megas and them Mega MS, and never heard that many people saying bad things about it, but im nobody and my expectations are low.
Know I shouldn’t take others as references but everyone as forgotten serious problems in other countries and come hard on this one at their (in my opinion) first mistake. That’s unfair.
If you want to attack the MS, feel free to do it, but please attack the right guys.