This thread - much ado about nothing (yet)...
... when you re-read everything, and see how what could have been an intelligent thread, has been trashed by name calling, mud sligning, and people ego's getting bruised - it is a shame.
What I don't understand is why people are worried about the "downfall of paintball" as we know it. Let's look at the facts...
1) The tournament scene makes up a portion of paintball played - split by who knows what percentages between tournie, serious rec and "twice-a-year-weekend-punter".
2) The tournament scene is further divided up into various levels - however you want to split it up, but for arguments sake lets call it local, regional, national & international. The reason why I don't included the Novice/Am/Pro classifications is because, for know it's easier to classify things using local etc. - because let's face it most of the Pro teams are also "international" level along with some Am's etc - so until we have proper divisions, let's just stick to where there teams play their games.
3) International level tournament teams are the only ones who will be effected by X-ball - why you might ask, simple - MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. It costs money to play in an 8 team X-Ball league - travel, hotel, paint, food - so why would sponsors shell out money to "nobodies" to play in this league, therefore these players will be chosen from the International level players.
Does this count me out - probably - does it count out most of my teammates - I'm pretty sure that it does - does this mean that we will all wake up tomorrow and stop playing - I BLOODY WELL HOPE NOT, BECAUSE WE HAVE PRACTICE AND I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONLY ONE THERE.
As long as there are great numbers willing to play the game - there will be places to place, tournaments to enter and hotels to trash (oops, forget the last one). Sure X-Ball might end up being the top-of-the-pile when it comes to tournie ball, but the NBA is the top when it comes to hoops - and that doesn't stop millions from playing in the playgrounds, rec leagues, and even other pro leagues world over.
Until teams can afford to have 2 coaches, 2 pit crew members and 10 players on hand - as well as the 18 wheeler full of paint for each tournament - I can't see x-ball (as seen at the IAO) taking over. The format may make inroads into "the lower levels", but not without modification - it takes too much time, it uses too much paint, and the number of teams is DRASTICALLY lower than what is need to run the Campaign Cup.
Until that time - I will continue to practice, continue to play, continue to travel and continue to meet and talk to some of the best people in the world - other people who love the game as much as I do. I may become too old one day to break to the 50's, but that is why the back position was created, I may be too old to compete against the like of future Ollie Langs, Ryan Greenspans etc. but if things go like people think they will (X-ball - big time t.v. etc.) then I won't have to - they will be on t.v. but I will still be going to the Campaign Cup/Toulouse/Joy Masters with the rest of the "old farts" and we will talk about the "good 'ole days" over beer in the bar.
So in ending (and I know people are glad that I am) - will x-ball change things? Maybe - maybe not - but I think for the majority of us it won't mean a thing. If it is the format of the future, ways will be found for "the rest of us" to play it - if not a whole bunch of promoters will be going out of business.
P.S. See y'all at the bar - I'll be the one with bad knees sitting in a wheelchair sipping my beer through a straw.