Hey Tyger....
1 : Most of the teams around here. I should mention that in my interview with Craig Miller, he told me that a very FEW teams have rider Diablo sponsorships, the rest wear the logo proudly becasue htey like the product. Fair enough. But, as I recall, isn't Aftershock still with RP?
2 : If this is only about recognition, then it's already failed. Remember Braun has gotten paintball on ESPN two seasons. The '95 woods world cup and the '96 invitational speedball with the doors. The game is recognised, just not taken seriously.
3 : Why the hell won't people believe me when I tell them this stuff? I mean, hell, I'm ALWAYS right, I'm ALWAYS on the ball, and I'm ALWAYS proven to be the correct person!!! Dammit!
4 : According to Baca, becasue I played on a team that placed last I should have been. I Really felt like the IAO wasn't about the IAO, but about X-ball. The IAO was a sideline event.
Don't believe me? Ok, let's look at MOST of the coverage. "How was X-ball?" "What happened in the X-ball game?" "How did England do?" Did anyone ask who won the IAO 7 man? How about the 5 man? Beyond Warpig, who's got pictures of the finals games? Point made.
And, finally, my point was that no matter who I am, I'll never make it on the team. Regardless of practical expirence, regardless that when I shoot semi I'm a 1 man wrecking crew, REGARDLESS of who I am, I'm not in the loop. So forget it, I'm not going to even get a phone call, let alone be on the team.
And do I think I can do it? Let me grab my Cocker or my Stroker, and let me show you what I got. I'll give you a head start too, if you want it. Concieted? Egotistical? Tell me LaSoya is a modest man. Tell me Robbo has no ego problem.
Play pump consistently for 10+ years, then we'll talk.
-Tyger (Yes, I AM being an ass. Why do you ask?)
A bit to talk about.Originally posted by goose
1) Try and find a top team that doesn't have a connection somehow to the Richmond Italia mafia (kidding Rich)
2) ...but if can be so easily changed then maybe there was something wrong with it in the first place. If a new "ruling class" comes along with newer ideas on how to get this silly sport recognized, more power to them (notice I said newer - I don't want to get into this whole USPL/stolen thing - I believe you).
3) This quote from the paintball.com interview with Richmond seems to lend creedence to a lot of what you said...
Notice how he said that players can't play PSP events - he didn't say NPPL
4) Lastly... Where you treated any differently than the other paying teams?
Now you might feel that you could play for the X-Ball team (I have never seen you play but I respect your own judgement of your skills), and you just lacked the "juice" to get on it.
1 : Most of the teams around here. I should mention that in my interview with Craig Miller, he told me that a very FEW teams have rider Diablo sponsorships, the rest wear the logo proudly becasue htey like the product. Fair enough. But, as I recall, isn't Aftershock still with RP?
2 : If this is only about recognition, then it's already failed. Remember Braun has gotten paintball on ESPN two seasons. The '95 woods world cup and the '96 invitational speedball with the doors. The game is recognised, just not taken seriously.
3 : Why the hell won't people believe me when I tell them this stuff? I mean, hell, I'm ALWAYS right, I'm ALWAYS on the ball, and I'm ALWAYS proven to be the correct person!!! Dammit!
4 : According to Baca, becasue I played on a team that placed last I should have been. I Really felt like the IAO wasn't about the IAO, but about X-ball. The IAO was a sideline event.
Don't believe me? Ok, let's look at MOST of the coverage. "How was X-ball?" "What happened in the X-ball game?" "How did England do?" Did anyone ask who won the IAO 7 man? How about the 5 man? Beyond Warpig, who's got pictures of the finals games? Point made.
And, finally, my point was that no matter who I am, I'll never make it on the team. Regardless of practical expirence, regardless that when I shoot semi I'm a 1 man wrecking crew, REGARDLESS of who I am, I'm not in the loop. So forget it, I'm not going to even get a phone call, let alone be on the team.
And do I think I can do it? Let me grab my Cocker or my Stroker, and let me show you what I got. I'll give you a head start too, if you want it. Concieted? Egotistical? Tell me LaSoya is a modest man. Tell me Robbo has no ego problem.
Play pump consistently for 10+ years, then we'll talk.
-Tyger (Yes, I AM being an ass. Why do you ask?)