Originally posted by Baca Loco
And while we're at let's carry ID and register everything else that might be of concern to somebody. I've a drawer full of knives in the kitchen and a hammer and saw in the garage. Oh, and razor blades in the bathroom.
And c'mon, if you're really serious everybody who drinks alcohol needs to be registered as a possible danger. Lots more people die and cause injury and damage due to alcohol abuse than harm people with weapons of any sort.
Perhaps the odd checkpoint where people could be checked to make sure they are in compliance.
Manike's the only one so far who has offered a sensible solution while the rest of you queue up to prove how harmless you are.
Hotpoint--juxtaposition of your quote and "voluntary" is a huge hoot. Thanks for the laugh.
And it says 'Humble' in your title
Really your reaction to registration is the way our goverment seem to think, And public opinion this week after the shooting of four teenage girls (two of whom who died) at New Yew seems to be rally to support this Straight jacket approach.
But where is the Level gound?
If we volunteer the info or record it our selves through a self governing body does it not say we are reponsible and do not wish to be grouped in with the Loony front. Who think collecting AK47's is an acceptible sport or Touting 6inch fishing Knives in the pub on a Sunday night is just another ancient rite of passage?
What do you think would be acceptable accross the board?
Or would it be different here than in the states?