Robbo said:This thread has certainly highlighted some fundamental problems we have in the UK and that was the purpose of this thread, so in that sense, it was a success tho I fear some King Canutes will be wasting their time.
That's the thing though mate, we need support for this to work, and your one if not the most influencial man in paintball....I guess you have a choice like the rest of us, you either use your contacts and support this, or you sit and do nothing and watch everyone else try and possibly fail the say told you so. Think what you could bring to this table, everything or nothing.
The last time I checked with the printers that I used to use for music promo stuff I could get 5000 full colour 8 page glossy booklets for under a grand. fliers I can get double sided postcard sized, full colour for £130 per 3000.Sid_Clan said:Andy,
I wouldn't go with a booklet as this can be expensive, all you need is a flyer, something small. Website addresses, photos, stuff like that. Use the action shots we all love to see. I'll have a look to see if I can maybe get some video footage on this site as well so people can actually see and hear what tournament paintball is like, i know from experience that pictures are nice, but pictures with sound work so much better, doesn't have to be massive, just maybe the same idea as they use on the start of paintball DVD's. I show my customers Breakout footage from tournaments, all guns blazing and the reaction is always the same "FKN 'ELL, listen to that, that sounds amazing" Well let's use the senses.
That is probably very true mate and it is these sites that would be a great initial focal point for any promo material. Coupled with chatting to the staff or seeing any video's there they'd also be able to walk away with a physical piece of promotion. Even if they didnt look into it any further they may hand it to a mate that could be more interested.Sid_Clan said:Okay random question, if i have 15 players in my team spread across 4 sites in central scotland, where does that leave the rest of the UK, surely 75% of site have at least one tournament player/walk on player thats a member of staff?
Exactly!Sid_Clan said:But, across the UK, how many sites would come on board? We have to sell this to them in such a way that they themselves look on it as repeat business. As you say and I will conceide, if we give them options then more sites would come on board as they would look on it as repeat customers, let's face it, if you buy your own mask, your going to play aren't you?
Sid_Clan said:Flattery will get you everywhere Sid and I did touch upon some of the stuff I have been doing behind the scenes in discussing some, if not all of this stuff with the people who have real power and money, they actually did listen to me with all of them showing real interest and understanding, so it remains to be seen whether or not any of their marketing strategies morph accordingly.Robbo said:This thread has certainly highlighted some fundamental problems we have in the UK and that was the purpose of this thread, so in that sense, it was a success tho I fear some King Canutes will be wasting their time.
That's the thing though mate, we need support for this to work, and your one if not the most influencial man in paintball....I guess you have a choice like the rest of us, you either use your contacts and support this, or you sit and do nothing and watch everyone else try and possibly fail the say told you so. Think what you could bring to this table, everything or nothing.
I do think however that if their new understanding is to take shape then it has to be a collective venture and this is where it might hit problems.
Marketing tourney ball on a nationwide basis is a serious undertaking and takes serious money and so I don't think one company alone is gonna take this on as the beneficiaries will be everybody.
It makes sense to get together on this one but the industry have a chequered past when it comes to doing anything together to say the least.
So you see Sid, much as some people on here might like to minimise what I do or what PGi does, I have done a lot behind the scenes to try and get us back up there but I can't do it all mate, nor do I want to even try.