Robbo, WHY do you insist on slagging us off!!!!
Dave asked what we do, I simply told him. As for what major events have we won, none. I do not have the player base, number of teams, training facilities, experienced players etc etc etc to actually do this, we don't have players move from team to team as we only have ONE team in the Country!!!. What we do have is the passion to TRY and that's what makes the difference. You sit there and have a pop mate, joking or not, but Clan have put more effort into tournament paintball than alot of teams in the UK. We have done 9 Millennium Events, we play UKM and PA, we have done Euro5man and doing it again in October hopefully. How many other UK teams would put the effort in like this when they have to drive for 5-6 hours there and 5-6 hours back average twice a month just to get to the event? I'm not about to make a film, I'm not about to ask an Australian to play a Scottish part that would be stupid, might just ask MakD to stick a kilt on and paint his face instead
As for beating Major Teams, I guess Stealers, Tigers, Manc Union, Phoenix and Storm don't count, okay, it has been like one game, nothing to write home about but we have still beaten them, yes the tables are very much tilted in the other teams favour and they have beaten us alot more than we have beaten them that I accept, but, we have beaten them and for my guys this is good as it proves that with the right training and facilities we could be a handy team. I control a 16man roster and give all my players a crack at the whip, so they get the experience. we don't sandbag, we are playing Div2 in Campaign with only one experienced Millennium Player, me...and I'm old and slow
So, dis away mate, but, could you keep a team together for over 9 years, with constant changes in roster, pulling players from all over the Country with no player base or facilities just to make up a team.....could you? As for saying we know nothing about coaching, we have brought up NickyT and spent a fortune to fly Davey Williamson across to do a two day coaching session, we take what we learned from these and work on it, but again, guess we know nothing of coaching.
As for beers...will they serve you with the fact you look under 21