You sir, are a counter-revolutionary wrecker
2--again?! Are you suggesting the players were once exploited but aren't any longer? And that money from PB industry makes the difference? [Not only are you a counter-revolutionary wrecker you are a running dog for the capitalist PB overlords.] (Thought ITN would like this stuff . . .)
3--Which people would that be? Part of the problem is that there isn't any people -- other than those putting on the events -- taking or wanting any responsibility for much of anything and half of your problem is seemingly that the promoters are acting in a high-handed manner by trying to come up with some functional solution.
As it stands the restriction the rule hopes to impose is in the nearly unrestrained use of illegal guns. Nor do I see how you get any more "unsophisticated" than leaving the "legality" of every gun entering a field up to the subjective judgement of chrono judges or the higher review of field ultimates based on nothing more than their good faith subjective efforts. [It's worse than I thought--you're a tool of the oppressors.]
4--out of curiosity who did you play Xball for last season? The reason I ask is because besides the EXL teams almost nobody in Euroland played and it's hard to be deprived of something you didn't participate in, in the first place.
Otherwise you're feeling blue and put out by the MS 'cus they's taken away your Xball and want you to play in the future with a verifiably legal gun. Is that about right? Bummer.
1--Case in point. Utter rubbish. You (or someone else) may indeed have a gun that can pass current subjective testing and get on a field but is in no way 100% legal while easily shooting 20+ bps.Originally posted by Crpstack
1--If I bought a gun and a halo on my hard earned money wich is able to shoot 20+ more I would like to use it and I dont think Im alone with that.It has no cheaterboard and 100% legal yet its able to shoot WAY faster than 15bps I will take it to you if youre interested at MM to inspect.
2--Well I am concerned about the effects this ruling will cause as if sponsors pay less money due to diminishing sales we the players will be financially exploited again.
3--There are people paid to make the rules and if I vote with my money on them (like there is any choice if u from EU) I expect something less restricting and unsophisticated. Ofcourse by the end of this year we will see where this leads and next year we will bear the consequences be it good or bad.
4--But in an age where we have guns capable of shooting 20+ and XBall, going back to 15bps and no Xball leaves a really bitter taste in some ppl's mouth. Im one of them...
2--again?! Are you suggesting the players were once exploited but aren't any longer? And that money from PB industry makes the difference? [Not only are you a counter-revolutionary wrecker you are a running dog for the capitalist PB overlords.] (Thought ITN would like this stuff . . .)
3--Which people would that be? Part of the problem is that there isn't any people -- other than those putting on the events -- taking or wanting any responsibility for much of anything and half of your problem is seemingly that the promoters are acting in a high-handed manner by trying to come up with some functional solution.
As it stands the restriction the rule hopes to impose is in the nearly unrestrained use of illegal guns. Nor do I see how you get any more "unsophisticated" than leaving the "legality" of every gun entering a field up to the subjective judgement of chrono judges or the higher review of field ultimates based on nothing more than their good faith subjective efforts. [It's worse than I thought--you're a tool of the oppressors.]
4--out of curiosity who did you play Xball for last season? The reason I ask is because besides the EXL teams almost nobody in Euroland played and it's hard to be deprived of something you didn't participate in, in the first place.
Otherwise you're feeling blue and put out by the MS 'cus they's taken away your Xball and want you to play in the future with a verifiably legal gun. Is that about right? Bummer.