To Nick - see paragraph above, technically the silly rules are good for most manufacturers, as consumers have to buy equipment that will compete at the top end of the stipulated rules. That's good news for manufacturers. of course they would co-operate, WDP would be the most willing to co-operate I would have thought. They can earn serious coin out of it. While Angel users can just have the new modes zapped into thier guns via infra-red, users of other guns would have to buy a new board (or else the other manufacturers would have to licence WDP's technology to go to reprogrammable boards).
Bearing this in mind, you would have thought that WDP would have used the influence which some ill-informed dweebs believe they have over the NPPL to get those rules changed too, wouldn't you?
First of all - I have not once mentioned WDP in this debate - or any other manufacturer by name - so I don't really know why you are asking me about whether they would use influence to make rule changes in the NPPL?
Secondly - you are kinda making my point for me there.... which is that a whole bunch of players will have to buy new boards (or guns), because the testing method is about the space between any two shots - and not shots per second..... and I think it's plain stupid to do it that way, when we may as well chose testing for shots per second, and thus leave all us ordinary mortals that are unable to move our fingers faster than 15 BPS alone, without us having to worry about buying new equipment.
- I'm yet to hear someone explain why it is IMPORTANT to test the space between two shots, rather than shots per second, from a safety or insurance standpoint (which is why this whole 15 BPS cap debate got started).
(anyone saying that it cannot be done MUST be wrong... if you can measure the space between 2 shots, it HAS to be fairly simple to re-write programming (or have the manufacturer do it) to count shots per second.)
Third, you are absolutely right that "the sport" is a much too loose term - so let me qualify it by saying "The Players".
We are the ones the rules are made for - the ones represented on the rules committee of the MS (albeit at this point in time being "secret" - so it can't be contacted) and the ones who should be most concerned with the direction our sport takes (that is kinda why we players are debating the issue here - you know
At any rate... I honestly think this whole debate about allowing "enhanced modes" is completely pointless, as ANY "enhanced mode" would be deemed illegel by virtue of NOT being semi-auto by authorities in most European countries, and unless the MS wants to openly and officially be in conflict with the law, I have no idea why the idea is being entertained at all?
Ask ANY European firearms authority (which governs paintball in most countries), and they will say semi-auto is the only allowed firing mode in Europe, and semi-auto is defined as being "one shot per trigger pull".
They will not care about our difficulties in enforcing the law.... they'll just shut down the sport, if our whole defence is "but we are too inept to enforce semi-auto - so sorry".
I can imagine someone calling German police during the MM - and telling them there are a couple of 1000 lunatics running around shooting full auto paintball guns in Bitburg...... we'll all be in the slammer faster than you can say "eins, zwei, polizei".