I think Robo's at
a UK tourney this weekend -Shoot tha Rainbow? -so he can't comment, but last time I spoke to him he told me tha following:
Same squad of players as X-Ball minus Sam Keats, plus Ledz as player coach rather than just coach.
Team will only play Millennium and NPPL events (though not all of them); apart from that, they will train but not compete as a team.
Team will enter all events as Pro
Robbo will not play, barring injuries occcurring at events or other things which leaves tha team short.
Name has yet to be agreed upon by tha team
Only confirmed sponsor is PGI
Nick Truter will remain on tha squad despite relocating to US
Any thing else anyone wants to know, if I know, I'll tell ya.
a UK tourney this weekend -Shoot tha Rainbow? -so he can't comment, but last time I spoke to him he told me tha following:
Same squad of players as X-Ball minus Sam Keats, plus Ledz as player coach rather than just coach.
Team will only play Millennium and NPPL events (though not all of them); apart from that, they will train but not compete as a team.
Team will enter all events as Pro
Robbo will not play, barring injuries occcurring at events or other things which leaves tha team short.
Name has yet to be agreed upon by tha team
Only confirmed sponsor is PGI
Nick Truter will remain on tha squad despite relocating to US
Any thing else anyone wants to know, if I know, I'll tell ya.