You know what the real problem is?
The real problem is the vast majority of tournament players are whinign, bitching, cheating, egomaniac sons of bitches who suck, but are convinced they are good.
As soon as you realize that THAT is the customer, and that the only people who will pay for a league with rightly enforced rules have ALREADY STOPPED PLAYING, you'll see the problem. Any change to curb cheating is difficult to impossible, because 90% of the current customers do not want the change.
Even if you fix the trigger, they'll just move onto something else - they'll put more padding in their jersies, or start ramping velocity.
The only way this is going to change is if somebody who doesn't care about being the biggest league or thebest league starts a league with real rules that are enforced. They'll attract a SMALL number of people who are actually athletes intead of punks, and slowly, over time, that league will grow.
Or not, in which case the battle has already been lost.
Fixing the gun cheats is easy: REquire everyone who has spend $1000 on a marker to spend $30 on a board that you can verify is legal. That will stop electronic cheats, and it will stop trigger bounce because the board will have a circuit in it to eliminate the bounce.
There is absolutely no reason this can't happen except people don't want to force everyone to pony up $30 because the customers don't want it because the customers ARE THE CHEATERS.
It's a sad, sad world when a league will charge you $35 for a useless ID card but swear up and down that $35 for a board that will stop cheating is too much of a burden for players.