Originally posted by Buddha 3
Personally I couldn't give a toss about spectators giving away positions. It already happens anyway. The only reason I brought up the footy analogy, is because it seems everybody wants us to be like a real sport (which we are not....sorry).
Yes, it is the rule, so yes people should adhere to it. But forums like these are meant to enable us to discuss rule changes and whatnot. The PA can do whatever they want with the opinions posted here, but they'd be damn stupid if they kept a rule if 95% of it's customers go boo and hiss over. (not saying it's 95%, just making an example)
I agree we aren't a 'real' sport, and personally I couldn't give an arse if there is a single spectator there or not, it makes squat all difference to my enjoyment of the game.
However, having a strict league, with definate rules (Full rulebook available, not just playing another series rules etc), registered players and rosters, a strict team limit, seeding for teams (not perfect but for crying out loud at least they made the effort and it's far in advance of anything that has gone before), refs that aren't allowed to play for any teams, strict year on year relegation and demotion, permanent venue for every event, bi-annual conferences to discuss changes of rules etc, consice penalty point process (sosta rule is far better for PA as it is more likely to effect your season standing than a 141 that will (at best) only effect the outcome of one game)...
There is more but the point is, for me, the positive features of the rules and structure that the PA has put in place FAR outweigh the few negatives. No other domestic series has gone to this much trouble. That is an indesputable fact. I don't give an arse what they did/do for the Millinium/NPPL/PSP/Timbucktoo league because I don't play it. I know that is a selfish opinion but I don't treat my 7man domestic as a warm up to anything. That is all I want to play so as long as the rules make sense for the event I want to play I fully support them for all the positive aspects they bring along with it.
The PA and the rules it employs don't necassarily make good sense or stack up with other series both in the UK and around the world but I think that is the most positive aspect about it.
What's more, I don't think it's always in the best interests of an event to change everything they want to do because of the paying customer. Sometimes there can be a case of too many chiefs and not enough indians. By all means the rules should be discussed, that's what the conferences are for but once they are set, we should all just play by them. The same goes for any series. Of course we pay to play and we should have some say but by we are also agreeing to pay by the rules of the game. Rules we all knew to start off with.
That said I haven't got a clue what went on with this whole swearing thing, either the Bracknell boys or Hooded Claw's so I'm not making any suggestion one way or the other who was in the right or wrong or whether the punishment given actually fitted/fits the offence...