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pa - banned for swearing?


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Each series to their own rules and all that but,

A "no-lookey" rule benefits no-one aside form the Marshals and series Ultimate. With the on-field players too busy playing, no ones really watching the marshals are they? Spectators generally either don't give a f*ck or don't know any different, and since the players are "consumers" of the Marshalling, surely they should be able to see what they are purchasing? This ain't just a criticism of the PA but all Tournaments (I can think of Millenniums that have been woefully inadequate). If you claim to provide something to the "paying customer", provide it or otherwise feel the consumers wrath (such as errrr scoreboards).

Surely the best way of dealing with customer wrath, is to appease them (after all the general customer service principle of "the customer is always right" works quite well). Perhaps "Yep, we acknowledge that X, Y or Z was under par, we must do better, we'll change that, sack her, kill him etc". I suppose by preventing the players viewing the game may prevent the odd marshal getting thrown in the river, but in a high adrenaline game you must expect a little bit of errrr heated debate.

I suppose without being at any of the PA Meetings, it may have been stressed that the Teams were buying into the PA Methodology / goal / endgame / whatever, the customers have to make their minds to what point they subscribe to the vision over it's actual execution. PA Vision: Sold As Seen ;)


I believe a couple of players have withdrawn, not the whole team.
In my experience people losing their heads and making fools of themselves happens once or twice per torunament.

To ban a team permenantly for it seems completely over the top!

If you ask me its another case of organisers overreacting and penalising the paying customers for the sake of the phantom members of the public (the odd old geezer walking his dog) who not only dont support the league financially, but clearly cant care less.

The Hooded Claw

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Nov 13, 2003
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ginger - was you treated like kids before the threatening and swearing, or was it after? cos if you were threatening peeps then i can understand why they booted you from the evenet.

Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Well, I actually prefer the no-lookey rule. Admittedly I ain't been all around the world playing like a lot of you more experienced boys but I think that not being able to watch the game from the deadbox is an acceptable price to pay for an overall more controlled field. Absolutely no interference from eliminated players can only be a good thing in my humble opinion.

One reason being that before the no lookie rule came in, if I so much as caught a glimpse of someone peeking from somewhere in a different top from me they had 30 balls heading their way - this in turn led to complaints of people firing at eliminated players etc I wasn't always sure whether they were eliminated or not, but I was about to take a chance and I know a lot of others did the same *cough 'mini Carcus' Glen cough* ;)

I know it's weird to have to just sit there in silence and it is especially frustrating because you can't see how the game and your players are panning out but ultimately I think you have to put some faith in the series, the judges and the rule processes we all signed up for...

EDIT: By the way, Hooded Claw, at the risk of stating the obvious have you actually managed to speak to Hatts/Gillie or Russ on the phone to get the bottom line? Just it might be easier than all this geek board conjecture?

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
That no lookey rule is a load of pooh in my humble opinion.
You wanna be like a real sport? Do you see the benched players and the coach sitting with their backs to the field at a footy game? Hell no! And you KNOW that coaches talk crap to the single ref that game has constantly!

You want to stop dead players interfering? Get some refs with nuts the size of Nebraska, and have them slap penalties on any team that infringes on the rules.... Simple as that.

Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Originally posted by Buddha 3
That no lookey rule is a load of pooh in my humble opinion.
You wanna be like a real sport? Do you see the benched players and the coach sitting with their backs to the field at a footy game? Hell no! And you KNOW that coaches talk crap to the single ref that game has constantly!

You want to stop dead players interfering? Get some refs with nuts the size of Nebraska, and have them slap penalties on any team that infringes on the rules.... Simple as that.
But we also don't have spectators giving away player positions either - are you saying you want that in 7 man too? (Personally I don't think it would be such a bad think but that's another discussion)

Or sub players running on and kicking the odd ball when it comes there way. The point is it IS the rule. I don't see why everyone has a problem, them the rules, why not just play by them?

I'm a believer that prevention is better than cure, you're solution is more preventative (plus getting really good refs is harder than it sounds) were this solution stops the event even arising.

I think perhaps as the league evolves more and more teams will have a proper 'manager' who doesn't actually play but does watch from the sidelines and see the full game from a totally unique perspective and perhaps more objectively than we all do at the minute from the deadbox. Then the issue of watching the game from the EPZ is likley to become mute.

ginga wig

New Member
May 24, 2002
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Budha....not sure about the mancs getting banned, not heard anything but if any of them are on this forum and want to pm me at some point, that would be cool. We did go over the top so i think the danning was the best decision in the end although the way in which they done it was a bit wrong (in my opinion only btw)

Claw....no we were the kids, we kicked off and the decision to ban us was fully justified, just the way they done it was not.

I think players should be able to watch the game, it makes sense for the team. Like someone has already said, If there are any infringments on the field, if the captain (9 times out of 10 the most experienced player of the team) can deal with them in a calm manor, not by one of the players screaming at both the captain and the judge and anyone else foolish enough to get close (as was the case with us!!) Hind sight is a wonderful thing>>>

P.S Free thr Bracknell 7 t-shirts available at Heavens Gate
Substitute players dont run on the field during a footbal game because of the penalties they risk by doing it.

If you make the rule no talking, and penalise players when they do, where is the problem?

As for unruly spectators, I would address that problem once we actually get some.

Also footballers cant really complain about the rules because they get paid a serious amount of money to play by those rules.

As paintballers we finance the league, I can understand when players get a little annoyed if their playing experience is treated as less important than the marshalls or phantom spectators that are talked about so much.