Each series to their own rules and all that but,
A "no-lookey" rule benefits no-one aside form the Marshals and series Ultimate. With the on-field players too busy playing, no ones really watching the marshals are they? Spectators generally either don't give a f*ck or don't know any different, and since the players are "consumers" of the Marshalling, surely they should be able to see what they are purchasing? This ain't just a criticism of the PA but all Tournaments (I can think of Millenniums that have been woefully inadequate). If you claim to provide something to the "paying customer", provide it or otherwise feel the consumers wrath (such as errrr scoreboards).
Surely the best way of dealing with customer wrath, is to appease them (after all the general customer service principle of "the customer is always right" works quite well). Perhaps "Yep, we acknowledge that X, Y or Z was under par, we must do better, we'll change that, sack her, kill him etc". I suppose by preventing the players viewing the game may prevent the odd marshal getting thrown in the river, but in a high adrenaline game you must expect a little bit of errrr heated debate.
I suppose without being at any of the PA Meetings, it may have been stressed that the Teams were buying into the PA Methodology / goal / endgame / whatever, the customers have to make their minds to what point they subscribe to the vision over it's actual execution. PA Vision: Sold As Seen
I believe a couple of players have withdrawn, not the whole team.
A "no-lookey" rule benefits no-one aside form the Marshals and series Ultimate. With the on-field players too busy playing, no ones really watching the marshals are they? Spectators generally either don't give a f*ck or don't know any different, and since the players are "consumers" of the Marshalling, surely they should be able to see what they are purchasing? This ain't just a criticism of the PA but all Tournaments (I can think of Millenniums that have been woefully inadequate). If you claim to provide something to the "paying customer", provide it or otherwise feel the consumers wrath (such as errrr scoreboards).
Surely the best way of dealing with customer wrath, is to appease them (after all the general customer service principle of "the customer is always right" works quite well). Perhaps "Yep, we acknowledge that X, Y or Z was under par, we must do better, we'll change that, sack her, kill him etc". I suppose by preventing the players viewing the game may prevent the odd marshal getting thrown in the river, but in a high adrenaline game you must expect a little bit of errrr heated debate.
I suppose without being at any of the PA Meetings, it may have been stressed that the Teams were buying into the PA Methodology / goal / endgame / whatever, the customers have to make their minds to what point they subscribe to the vision over it's actual execution. PA Vision: Sold As Seen
I believe a couple of players have withdrawn, not the whole team.