Originally posted by Hatts
Ahhh...paying customers...yes, a point frequently overlooked in this argument is the "majority" factor. Every player is a "paying customer" as you put it. Now then If we have half a dozen people causing problems and spoiling the enjoyment of all the others, what do you suggest we do?
It's not over-reaction, it's keeping it in perspective. I am certainly not going to spoil the enjoyment of 300+ people on the day because 3 or 4 feel they are special and the universe revolves around them.
The PA has a very simple philosophy:
These are the rules, this is the way things are. You either buy into or you don't. If you do you're welcome with open arms, if you don't then go play somewhere else.
That's how an effective and functioning society works. If you don't like the food in the restaurant or the waiter service then go eat somewhere else.
We really don't mind...honestly...if you think abusing the referees or demanding that the organisers delay games until your team can be bothered to turn up at the field or firing through the netting at spectators or trying to intimidate the refs to make a call go your way or trying to get a call changed by threatening to "quit" and storming off in a "little girl hissy fit" because it didn't go your way is all acceptable then go somewhere where you can get away with it ...just don't bring it to the PA.
As chairman of the PA I've now got over 800+ people to look after and I am not in any way going to jeopordise what the PA has achieved so far and what it continues to do for the sport of paintball because a few people have the attitude that they are more important than everyone else.
The paying customer is always right? I'm afraid in real life you'll find it's the "majority" of paying customers who are always right.
Funny, we all understand that a by product of walking down the street may be getting assaulted and having our nose broken/phone stolen, but I don't see the majority being happy with that.Originally posted by stongle
(there's no such thing as Bonus Balls merely leaving presents); your still at the mercy of Global trends.
A by-product of that is people will cheat, get shot-up (sometimes a lot), and tempers will get frayed. We all understand and accept that as part of the game. By attempting to resolve some of the bi-products (that the global majority seem to be quite happy with), you may sanitise the game to such a degree the adrenalin aspect is lost forever.
Originally posted by Hatts
Note to all...Referees are the key to paintball "THE SPORT". If you can't bring yourself to openly support them, or get off your lazy backside and put a shirt on yourself as a professional ref and not just coz you don't fancy playing this weekend and you can make a bit of cash standing around with your thumb up your ar$e then for the good of paintball at the very least keep your gob shut and don't try and pass off bitching and moaning as "constructive" critiscism. [/QUOTE
dude r u serios?
If i pay to play i expect the refs to do there job, if i dont get that then surly i have a right to voice my opinions about it?
thats like saying guns are the key to paintball - if you buy one and it breaks, don't moan unless your willing to make a gun yourself lol![]()
Well said Matski!Originally posted by matski
Many players always take bonus balling as being poor behaviour on the part of the one doing the shooting, in some cases this is true. However, unless you are making it CLEAR that your eliminated, you should expect it. When judging in toulouse last year, I would often get yelps from players claiming they are being bonused-yet they are also wondering off the field slow, arms down etc.......When real bonus balling was happening/total ignorance of signals, offenders were 141'd simple!
Players should make it clear they are eliminated, and part of good judging is making sure live players respect the signals of judges and eliminated players.