If a 'pro' teams turns up but isn't good enough to be in the top 20 or top 40, then they bloody well should be in Div 3
harsh but fair? It puts them into their fair place and makes them want to work to be at the top, just as it should be.
I agree it may not be liked at first because of the stigma attched to the 'Pro' label. That's one of the things we need to get rid of.
Changes will need to be made if we want to make our sport sound more like one and move forwards and some will always resist change, but if we come out of it with a fairer and more marketable set up, then the greater good prevails!
C'est la vie. The great thing in my mind is that this will work with any number of teams that turn up, and it will work fairly with them.Originally posted by Mark T, Rushers
But as in Toulouse - you could have shed loads of 'Pros' suddenly attend and a team at the lower end of Div 1 could be in Div 3 next time round?? And so on
Would this matter?
Probably not - but would it be liked? Probably not.
If a 'pro' teams turns up but isn't good enough to be in the top 20 or top 40, then they bloody well should be in Div 3
I agree it may not be liked at first because of the stigma attched to the 'Pro' label. That's one of the things we need to get rid of.
Changes will need to be made if we want to make our sport sound more like one and move forwards and some will always resist change, but if we come out of it with a fairer and more marketable set up, then the greater good prevails!