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Merged: Brit congrats thread


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
When will people get over the fact that a team is the name, not the group of players?
As an example,
Do people support Nexus, or Tommy, Ledz, Nick, Bowen, Junior, etc etc etc?

If these players were to sign for other teams, would people then go and dilute their support amongst the other teams, or would they support Nexus?

Call me an optomist, but I'd like to think it's the latter, rather than the former.

I know we aren't football, but do we want supporters? I think so.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by Chuck
I can not understand Individuals who take the moral high ground on these boards when the situation does not even effect them.
I can. It's easy to go boo and hiss about something you're not involved in. It's human nature to be judgmental. People always go "I'd never do that" until they get in the same situation themselves. It's the same with cheating for example. Everybody goes "Ooh, I'd never cheat", but anybody that tells me they never ever cheated I consider a liar.

On the other hand, all this sort of bitching, moaning and griping is just a sign we are growing op. Sports fans love nothing better than to talk ****, and they all seem to know better than the people that run their favorite team. As we say in Holland: The best sailors are the ones on the quayside. In other words, the people that think they know best are the ones that aren't involved. Another, very applicable, Dutch saying: It doesn't matter how they talk about you, as long as they do talk about you.

You can tell there's not much else to do in this country than to come up with some stupid sayings... :p


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Flash and Chuck- The main reason people are moaning about Nexus like they are an exception... is basically because they have been launched as the 'saviour' of brit paintball, the 1st uk team able to stand a chance at the top, best players in the uk, the nexus snap shot or whatever hype.......you market yourself and make a fanbase the fans expect you to live up to the hype, fame and critism come hand in hand at the end of the day.
Any player on the squad, im sure, has belief enough in themselves to suck it up and get on with it like any other pro in a sport. If everyone sat around listening to flammers they'd get nowhere......I don't think theres any need to go defending them and getting worked up, its to be expected:cool:


New Member
May 21, 2004
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Wow is all i gotta say.I see that there are some here who have taken the holier than thou stance here and too bad for third or fourth place dont pay much.Wake up guys you do whatever is needed to win depending on how big your sack is is to how far you will go to win ei. carcass .Now being a official of some sort this is technically unfair but the right thing to do in order to insure a spot for next season .This is called planning ahead and any kind of loophole you can find to give you a edge should be fully exploited or your just wasting your time and money and should stick to the 24 hr scenario games which are a ton of fun also but with out all the drama.I say well done Nexus nthis gives you time to prep the team a tune it up for you have a lot to prove next season and with hard work and dedication you should do well next season.1 tip tho if your going to play in the US do on to others as others will do on to you thats all im gonna say :)

Dec 19, 2002
Originally posted by Chris - Nexus Eclipse
... Anybody who has a problem with it tell me and ill mow you mother fu*kin ass next year....oh wait, most of u wont be pro next year.......sux for u

bring the hate fu*kers
Ha ..... knob :p

Summers you couldn't shoot ur self in the foot man.... turn it down a bit eh :rolleyes:

Mak D


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Nah he played for SAD didn't he? Must have shot himself in the foot before!.....:rolleyes: :p .......jus messin chris, please dont 'mow' me, pleeeeease god aghhhhhhhhhh

Buns of steel

Coach & Banker!!!!!!
Jul 22, 2003
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But if they are fielding teams where the overwhelming majority of players are not actually part of the team then what are we really proud of. It wasnt Brit ballers that got them there. It wasnt the players we normaly associate with the teams that got them there. They fielded players that were not part of their squad because they felt that the squad was not strong enough to take it to the yanks and get the places they needed. This is a real shame and shows that the Brits might not be ready to compete against the yanks at the highest level every tournament.


Hermitt, got to take you to task on that one, and not just in our but also Shockwave's defence. They fielded a full squad so don't go associating them with all this bullsh*t. As for ourselves we could only get 6 players out to San Diego, Dan and Xalo of Legion got in touch with us and offered their services. We never, I repeat NEVER felt our full squad would not have been strong enough to take it to the Yanks, and with the greatest respect to Dan and Xalo I believe we would have played better with 7 Tigers than 6 and 1 or 2 Legion.

In answer to an earlier question and this is via a good source, one of the reasons the Legion/ Nexus wore Empire in the finals was that they had already assured a place for next year and they played the finals for themselves.

Congrats to all the teams that made it, big respect to all the Guys from Texas Storm, hope you made the flight OK after Pete plied you full of Russian vodka. :D

j abbott

Jul 17, 2002
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Yo yo just got back from san d and thought i would say a few words.
Non of us wanted this situation and you know i think we could have done it with the full Nexus roster but this was the route that we chose to go simple as that.It was all about Nexus fri and sat,tommy and my self played three games each,one of which was in the quarters.Sure we wanted to play more but Sergi had a long chat with us and he had his reasons.

Once we qualified it was all about the russkies.To see them win a majour tourney on US soil,they played good and both tommy and my self were glad to be a part of it!!!we learnt alot and next year we will come back stronger 4 sure!!!

We would to thank Sergi and the all the guys for welcoming us into their team and for helping us out!!;)

C yall in 2005

p.s Thanks to everyone who supported us throughout the year ,it doesnt go un noticed!!!!:D

P.p.s Boogie we hear ya, keep up the good work!!

Avamom dont forget the pack lunches next year xx


Jan 16, 2002
Originally posted by JUNIOR BROWN
I think they had a roasting for wearing dye gear on the first day!
Makes sense, thanks for clearing that up.

Edit: For those who were confused about why the were roasted for wearing dye gear by their own sponsors is because they are individually contracted to represent those companies 24/7, on the field and off, this includes guesting for other teams.
