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Maxs Masters - Finals & various problems


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Mar 7, 2002
Istanbul - Turkey
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politics alrady in!!!!

our sport is a small one comparing to soccer and etc. and the winnings are not THAT big a deal is it??

so what's your problem heh? paintball gets a little bit serious and filth has already taken its place??

I think this is more serious than any kind of cheating that players make during the game...

what is the point of playing if a team gets an extra 100 points?

play it straight or dont play at all!!!

how long would you accept to be the puppet, organizators are being the master of puppets?? stand up and speak your brains, this shall not be a subject in Mega campinato...



Performance By Design
Jul 7, 2001

as for the event ..... A well run and great event, Scutty said it all ..
even the weather was brill !!! .... well done to all UK teams... and most Marshals it is a hard sport to judge.......

For those who missed it ..... you missed a great tournament and players party. ..... And even Chris Evens Falling of the table looking at the stipper !!! lol Chris....


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001

Originally posted by Tony@maxem
Thanks for clearing that up abit better...But isnt it right that the hand held chronos do have a differance of 10% compared to the normal ones etc ??? therefore shouldnt it be the case that when players chrono on one type they should be checked on the same !!! ......................... as for the Russians they did check all markers on the table yet still the markers came up hot !!! on the hand held ones.... with todays markers settings it should be more uniform....
Regards Tony
Hey Tony, I'm not aware the hand held chronographs do work with this 10% differential in readings as against the traditional ones and if they do, then you are right, they should be reassessed on the normal ones.
I tend to doubt this differential as it would render on field chronographing useless because so many people run so close to the limit and if there is a 10% differential then most every gun would appear hot if that differential were to be above the norm.
Perhaps we should investigate this further because I'm afraid we need to adhere to this on field chronographing as the only practical deterrent to designer gun cheating.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Campaign Power ?!?

Originally posted by Birger Lund
I like this discussion we need to get things out in the open.
I believe 100% in a players committee. I participated in a players meeting regarding this matter in Toulouse last year, but have'nt hear anything since.
Well here's my headache:
I play for Team Wikings and we are not known to be sorry losers. However in this case we do feel a bit pissed. Campaign Power is a very good strong team no doubt about that. The way they played in Germany they deserved to win and we congratulate them.....but how the F**K can the get marshalling points for Campaign Cup without marshalling ?????
Keep this thread hot guys.
Team Wikings

I have just spoken to Niall on this and he assures me that if anybody doubts that Campaign Power did not judge the Campaign Cup then just take a look at the DVD when it comes out, the players from Campaign Power were on most of the fields at some time or another judging and can be seen on the DVD.
Niall has no idea where this has come from or why this story has erupted but it is completely groundless and untrue.

Just about squashes that one !
Back to our French cousins....... :)

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30

This subject is a tough one really, I find it hard to comment on because I aint that experienced in the world of ball (just over 2 years) but I am a player therefore my opinion counts, as do all our opinions no matter how small.

Matski: You are right mate about any respected players who have been in the game for an age having a nice little click of friends, almost a little masons thing going on which I suppose can't be avoided. A completely neutral perspective would be the obvious idea but the thing I have against that is with any minority group or sport, or whatever, you need to be careful about how much outside influence you take on board especially when it is such a powerful position you'd be offering. At the end of the day it is our sport (us being the 'baller family worldwide) and if we introduce too much change too quickly we could soon find ourselves taking twice the time to get it all back to how it was. I think we need to try and change the attitudes towards the rules rather than just concentrate on having someone new to enforce new issues which is why I still think there needs to be well respected figureheads to be there as a governing body to try and at least re-shape the mould rather than break it.

People abusing the rules need to be sorted out and full-on ultimates need to be around to control this; it needs to be stated that serious rule bending will be dealt with and perhaps when things like what seems to have gone on with the Flingeurs happen they need to be made an example of which will then make all others stand up and listen but until that happens lets try and enjoy the tourneys and pump 'em all up as being the awesome events that they are.


New Member
Jul 9, 2001
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I've just got back and I'm frigging tired. All I need are allegations of sleaze against me!!

Re Campaign Power and Judging.

One month before the event and I only had 5 marshal teams. There were no more PRO or `Am teams available or willing to judge the event, at the time Vision were the 1st seeded Novice. They had marshalled Mayhem. THe 2nd seeded were Campaign Power. The obvious choice. Campaign Power agreed to marshal.

Also at my own expense I flew Steve and the TRue Colours/Cumshot guys over to marshal Field 5. They were not in the Millennium and received No points. I felt that their experience would be invaluable, The Event was huge I needed 7 marshal teams and chose to utilize Campaign Power as Relief Crew. Over 8 team members were on different fields throughout the event.
As Robbo has mentioned in a couple of the steamier moments in the DVD Campaign boys can be seen taken loads of sh1t.

Any way I don't need this on top of the other stuff I have to deal with just take my assurance they worked and deserve the points...Hope this is good enough.



SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Al Woods

I totally agree dude, anything that avoids decisions being corrupted is cool, and we dont wont the sport changed by people who have no real understanding of it.....

I just dont see much changing though, in this recent case the people involved have had nothing more than a 'slap on the wrists' and all those effected have not seen justice.
As far as I can see all this will continue, we'll play ball, then beat each other up after the game over some call, then if that dosnt work-i know lets just change the points!

I too just wanna play awesome events, I hate the politics crap but the sad fact is its always going to rear its ugly head.

cya out there


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Last time I checked a hand held chrono against a table top chrono they were within 2fps. It wasn't a proper test or anything but there is no way the difference that many claim there to be in order to excuse hot guns.

There is definitely not a 10% error! The manufacturer claims 3% and I believe that is in accuracy to the actual velocity not the deviation from one unit to another... In the worst case scenario this could make you 9fps out...

I'll try and do a more in depth test next weekend if people are really interested...

I know Bill Cookston tested a whole lot of hand helds against each other at the World Cup and they were identical. Not even a 1fps differrence between the units. They all read the same. The worst I was told after the units were put through a standard test is 1fps difference in reading...

I was also told that the frequency used by the hand helds is likely to make them more accurate then the table top units.


Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30
damn right dude

Wherever there are rules there are politics and wherever there are rules being abused there are bad politics. I can't really kick off about the Flingeurs because I wasn't there so it aint fair for me to do that but I do think it's about time some chump stood up for paintball and did more than slap wrists or at least slap wrist publically so they know that if they try it on again something more serious will happen. At this rate we'll be yellow and red carding players and fining them for misconduct and dishing out game bans......mmmmmm, could be worth mulling over that one.

How about having behaviour ratings fed into a player register online for players and teams marking out which teams need to bew monitored closely, kind of like probation. Allt his takes time but it kind of generates more involvement form players and judges alike.