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Maxs Masters - Finals & various problems


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001

Originally posted by Tony@maxem
They also got points of the UK Jaguars ....for some unknown reason.

The Jags took out 3 players which is 9 points..then it was changed to 3 points ???? why ????

there was a lot of Bad calls ie : Players taken out for no hits etc on field 1 and 3 .... USA marshalls on field 1 took out 4 Russin Legion players when they where about to play a States team MMMMMMM saying there markers where hot !!!!
As for field 3 (Germany Marshalls) ..... where not checking players for hits just stood about watching, when you where shouting for a check .... they just stood there after repeating the call for about 6 times ....they would one for one you for shouting at them ???????? this happened a few times.........
Tony, it might serve you better were you to research what you write a bit more, Billy Gardner, head Judge on the field who adjudicated the hot gun infractions for the Russian Legion, did exactly that, he found three guns to be hot, no more, no less.
The team was then punished.
I spoke to Billy that night and he told me exactly what happened which was consequently confirmed in every detail by the Russian Legion guys.
I spoke to Sergei, Russian Legion's capt afterwards and he told me he had no problem whatsoever with the ruling.
His guys are not so well up with guns as we would like to think and as such, three of the guns were deemed to be slightly over.
As for the rest of what you say, bad calls happen at every tourney as well as players coming off saying they were taken out for nothing, so I fail to see your point in anything you have thus far written, especially what you said about US Judging and the Russians, that was just plain ignorant, you need to think before you write mate.

PS Thanks Stefan :)

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30
It's gettin' hectic

Sounds like this seasons millennium will be a very heated set of events indeed. I guess all the pros are gonna be dishing out the ego trips left right and centre (not all the pros of course), haven't the flingeurs always been like that??? We've played 'em a few times and always found 'em a bunch of ignorant tw_ts. But anyway...

Well done to Campaign Power for rippin it up, the Scuttmaster was on board so you better have some stories dude.

Imperial?? What happened dudes, let me know.


Active Member
Dec 27, 2001
Only 3 Russian Legion Players were taken out prior to the start of the game against Ground Zero.
Cant resist joining in........

Right, couple of things to add to this discussion. Firstly I believe that the Pro cut for the semis was at the 700ish point mark and that the next closest was team was on around 540 points. There was two destinct 'sections' to the Pro group when it came to points. I am fairly certain that the change to these penalty point was unnessecary but still can't believe it took place. I am assuming that they recieved their penalties on field 3 as this was the only place we were ever asked to chrono after the game - every other field (except field 1 - more in a moment) was chronoing on and then during the game, personally I was chrono'd during the game in excess of 10 times during the weekend and welcomed the vigilence from the judges. I was also caught, at the end of the game, with a hot gun (shame on me and sorry to my team) on field 3 and couldn't believe the amount of time it took for the judges to decide whether or not to give me penalty points and what those penalties should be, surely if this is in the rules then all the judging staff are made aware of it?
Now, field 1, hmm. Right, we played 4 games on this field over the weekend and as far as I could gather the AAs were operating the following chrono system: Players arriving on the field were given access to the static chrono station as per normal but no judge was present to oversee this, next the toss was completed and the judge for each base camp gave their team the handheld chorno to check their guns over. Each team was given a 30sec warning and then told to lay their guns on the floor and step away (Campaign Cup style). Each gun was then chrono'd over the respective hand held chorno before the game was started. I never noticed any on field chronoing after game on (but I could be mistaken) and no guns were chrono'd after. This system resulted in field 1 running over 1.5hrs late on day one and 1hr on day two (by lunch time). I think we need to get some form of recognised chrono proceedure as, in Germany, we had 5 fields and 5 seperate ways of chronoing. I really thought that after Tolouse that was the way it was going to go, it run smoothly and time between games was very short. All that seems to have gone out the window for Germany.

However, I thought the Max Masters was a superb tournament with very very good layout, players setup, trade stands, food and drink (bin that voucher system though, that sucked) and having only a 10min walk to the hotels was wonderful. Great start to this year's Millenium Series and roll on Portugal (but get these frickin' rules sorted.)
Also congrats to Campaign Power (both teams) who I guested for, well played all weekend and 1st and 10th is a very good result.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
One other thing,

Originally posted by ascutt
I know what most of the AA's look like and after seeing the judges on field one, I didn't recognise half of them. Have the AA's got a batch of new blood? ......... anyone else think that seemed 'strange'?
The judging crew on that field included both AA's and Strange.
Mormon not know tha rules?

Thass like Ledz not knowing where tha burger van is...

Anyway, back to tha interesting stuff; what's gonna be done about this Tonton deal? Any promoters reading this? What do all you Millennium players think? After all, it's your series...


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
If it indeed happened as is portrayed here (and it's coming from some reliable sources, so chances are it indeed did), IT BLOWS CHUNKS!
Thisi is stupid! I did not expect this from Laurent. After all, he has enough business sense to know what's good for the sport. He organises one of the best events on the planet, came up with Sup'Air ball and what not. I guess his ego as a player took over there....
Very bad!


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I just got off the phone from Niall and he has told me this, from now on, no promoter has any jurisdiction over the rulebook and will be precluded from any further involvement with any of the rules or rules committee.
Now, this is the official Millennium view and I told Niall, 'This was a frikkin joke' because although the change is very admirable, what about Laurent's actions.
It's like me going into a bank, robbing it, and then saying, 'ok, I won't rob any more' and expects nothing more to be done.
Niall also went on to say, that both Jean Manuel and Laurent realise they have made a huge mistake.
Well, how gracious of them to own up, didn’t they not know they were f##king up when they decided to change the rules ?
Of course they did, but now they can afford to appear enlightened bearing in mind the Ton Tons blew out once again come the finals, in not even winning a game.
Nah, all this still stinks, Jean Manuel should go immediately, Laurent's team should have all points taken off immediately.
Anything less than that is a travesty of justice and an insult to all the teams and players who played fairly and paid good money to have a fair and just tournament infrastructure.
Now Niall is obviously not happy with what happened and he is no way to blame for any of the actions taken at the time or after the event but time will tell what penalties the Ton Tons should now incur.
I spoke to one other promoter from the Millennium (I won't name him for the moment until I have cleared it with him) and he told me the following, 'It looks bad and what Laurent did was very bad'
Hmmmmmmmm :(


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I wouldn't bet on it TJ

Originally posted by Nick Iuel-Brockdorff
- I actually think Bill may have overlooked that fact... but we'll see.

Back to more important matters.....

I would like to get confirmation on whether the 9th place Pro team was within 64 points of the Tontons... so that the whole thing actually had other consequences than just political ones (and ofcourse an influence on the semi-final draw).... does anyone KNOW ?
I would also like to hear a comment about Campaign Power having NOT judged the Campaign Cup ?
I would also like to have the rumour confirmed, that the Tontons were caught with a marker firing twice per trigger pull, which was then exchanged under the netting, before the head marshal could confirm it (just something I heard 3rd hand.
I would also like to hear whether it is true, that the whole player registration thing went haywire, with players being registrated on wrong teams, with wrong nationalities and wrong status... if at all registrated (some people didn't get the cards the paid for... myself included... apparently they couldn't "find the card" ???).
All in all, it is a pity that the impression of a brilliantly organised tournament (NICE JOB Stefan and Jorg !!!).... has to be drowned in controvercy afterwards.
Nick, it matters not whether the 9th place team were within 64 points because at the time the rule was changed and the Ton Tons had the points put back on, the second round hadn't even started so it's academic mate.
If in fact no team were within the 64 point margin, at the time the rule was changed, Laurent could never have known this and was giving his team the best insurance just in case there was a marginal call after the second round had been completed.