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Maxs Masters - Finals & various problems


... let's just hold off on all this re-writing stuff for a short while.

I think all of this will be handled in the new rules/disciplinary committee. So there is no point for more people to waste their time, when a proper "sanctioned" group will have the task given to them (I hope).

If you are interested drop me a mail at goose@comm.dk and I will try and explain some of ideas we came up with.




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Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Originally posted by goose
The follwoing rules are taken from the rules on the Millennium web site as of Wednesday (after Maxs), they state:

7.01 Chronographing on the field may be done at any time at the discretion of any field judge to determine if a marker’s muzzle velocity has risen above legal limits. Judges will seek to perform on the field chronographing in a manner which least interferes with play.
7.02 Players with markers chronoed on the field during a game at 300 feet per second or less (one two or three shots at the discretion of the field judge) will continue to play without penalty.
7.03 Players with markers which are shooting over 300 feet per second will be eliminated from play.
7.04. Players who are observed working on their marker during the course of a game, with the exception of cleaning paint out of barrels, loaders or feed ports, changing constant air tanks, will be immediately removed from play.
10.28. Players whose markers shoot on the field in excess of 310 feet per second will be eliminated in accordance with
the provisions of Section 7.03 hereof.
12.41 For every marker found to shoot above the allowed limit, penalties will be assessed as follow:
- if the average of the three shots is greater than 300 fps (sum equal to or greater than 901 fps) but equal to or
less than 305 fps (sum equal to or less than 915 fps), penalty is 10 pts.
- If the average of three shots is greater than 305 fps (sum equal to or greater than 916 fps), penalty is 50 pts.

Now is there any wonder why things got so f@cked up, we have 3 different sections contradicting each other - and contradicting what was said at the captains meeting.

People who know me (Maggot, Brocollidwarf, Niall etc.) know that for the past 1 1/2 year I have been saying that the rule book needs to be COMPLETELY re-written (and in proper readable english I might add - not pseudo legal-speak). Our rules have been added on to, changed, twisted and *******ized that the only way to procedd properly is to trash them all and start again (using the basics as a guide of course).

I also feel that Jean Manuel has too many other things to worry about, it is about time for this supposed rules/disciplinary committee to take over, and let him concetrate on organizing the Series.

Big long quote here from the Rule Book as posted on the Millennium site. However, this version of the rules is already out of date & in fact has been for a few weeks. Check them out & you'll see that they still cite the "no looking" rule, which was scrapped a while back - I remember asking on these boards at the time whether the rules would be updated in time for Germany but clearly it wasn't. In fact, the rules update section specifically states that this rule is confirmed and a permanent part of the rules.

Now if, as someone earlier in this thread says, the definitive rules weren't sent out with team registrations & teams were expected to rely on getting hold of a copy themselves, everyone would have had out of date rules.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Hey Bud, Beak, No problemo amigos !!!!

Also, with the obvious investigative skills of Nick and Goose it is becoming clearer and clearer that this whole debacle was not an accident, it has at its heart, self-interest, deceit and ultimately an attempted whitewash.
Jean Manuel should go and the points Ton Tons gained should be taken off, anything less than that is an insult !!!


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam

well I think as a minimum the rulebook needs to be "tidied up" before Portugal and EVERY captain receive a print at the captains meeting with a version history to show changes. At least it should be consistent even if the rules should/could be amended in the long run.

As for whole scale re-writing then yeah - the rules/disciplinary committee should do the job of getting the thing re-written, I think there is definate scope for enhancing yet simplifying the rules.


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Jan 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Robbo

You can stuff your rule book up your ass mate, cuz if you get anywhere near me with a rule book, ranting on about its integrity being upheld when people are out on the field going up against hot guns BECAUSE of your rule book, then its gonna be used as a suppository....but not on me !!!!!!

Robbo ;)
Robbo, you've said it all ! You care about the rules when you can twist them to fuel your arguments. When you're proven wrong, you start using insults, dirty language and throw the rulebook away.

Give us a break.

I'll discuss with Nick who started that thread because, even though he got some facts wrong, I'm interested in his honnest (I believe it is) opinion and am interested by some ideas he and others here have brought up. I'll blame the wording on the heat of the moment.
You just proved you're not trying to be fair. You just proved you just throw insults when proven wrong. You've written it for everyone to see. The king is naked.



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by JeanManuel

Robbo, you've said it all ! You care about the rules when you can twist them to fuel your arguments. When you're proven wrong, you start using insults, dirty language and throw the rulebook away.

Give us a break.

I'll discuss with Nick who started that thread because, even though he got some facts wrong, I'm interested in his honnest (I believe it is) opinion and am interested by some ideas he and others here have brought up. I'll blame the wording on the heat of the moment.
You just proved you're not trying to be fair. You just proved you just throw insults when proven wrong. You've written it for everyone to see. The king is naked.


You say 'Give 'us' a break', you are the only one on this board saying what you do, don't try and give people the impression there is more than one.
You are on Your own !!!!!!
Jean, you are an incompetent and weak man, what you have just written (that has no substantiation) shows just that.

I don't give two ****s who you talk to, you have no integrity left nor any mandate of approval from the teams you purport to represent, you have betrayed them all, not I, you.
You should resign your position immediately.
You haven't even got the humility or sense of honour to put your hands up, admit you were wrong and go.
You choose instead to defend an untenable position and attack me with what can only be described as an infantile, vacuous and pathetic attempt at trying to keep yourself from drowning.
To my knowledge, you have ventured onto this board only twice and both of them to back up your employer, Laurent.
I think you need to think again Jean before you open your mouth.
Every single person on this thread except you disagrees with what you have done, do you honestly think that by excluding me and including Nick, it undermines any of the positions that I, or others have taken ?
Jean, just go, and try and save at least some dignity !

PS If you do decide to open that mouth of yours again Jean, you better check with Laurent first hadn't you ?


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Jan 29, 2002
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Right !

Originally posted by Nick Iuel-Brockdorff

So I got some facts wrong ?

Which ones ?

- Did you NOT change 2 x 50 penalty points to 2 x 18 ?

- Did you NOT do so before it was clear if the Tontons would qualify ?

- What exactly is it your refer to as having "mistyped" (what articles and what SHOULD they have said) ??

- Did you NOT make public rules saying 50 penalty points for an average above 305 FPS after a game ?

- Were you NOT already in January made aware of article 12.41 - both in here and via email ?

I'm curious as to exactly what facts I got wrong..... and if any, I'm ofcourse more than willing to apollogise for any misconceptions I may have been the cause for !


- The rule, after the captins' meeting, was "no end of game chrono". No chrono, no penalties. You cannot be penalized by a rule that doesn't exist.
Yes, we changed that rule, but not from 2x50 (unexisting rule) to 2x18 (I don't know the count, I'll trust you on the figures), we changed it from Zero to 2x18.

- Yes, we did so before the Tontons qualified.

- What I refer as mistyped are articles 7.03 and 10.28, 8.11, 12.41, 13.03 for instance.
Paragraph 7.03 stated you were eliminated if your gun shot above 300, paragraph 10.28 said the same but with 310 as the limit. Paragraph 8.11 said you'd get 1x1d for watching the game and that the DZ was behind the flag station. Paragraph 13.03 says NPPL instead of Millennium. Rule 12.41 should have said that:
average of 3 shots 301 to 305 : 10 points
306 - 324 : 2points per foot above 300
325 and up : 50 penalty points

- Yes, the rules had been public for a while. I didn't spot obvious mistakes and discrepancies before, nor did anyone who dowloaded the file from the website.
I renew my apologies for the mistakes containes in the file. That should not have happened, and I don't know how it did, since I can't find now modifications I perfectly remember typing in. My guess is I amended the wrong file -and I'll accept your comments because THERE I am faulty.

You can't yell after us correcting paragraph 12.41, and say nothing about paragraph 8.11 !!! If you say you want the written rules to be our Bible no matter the mistakes, be consistent.

But I don't believe that's the case. I believe you found a hot issue and started looking at everything that could make it look worse, oblivious to the rest of the truth (which is : we corrected other paragraphs and you didn't mind, the rule had been modified at the captain's meeting and was then final, etc.) You don't actually want to have uncorrect rules applied to your team. Had a ref 1x1ed one of your players because of rule 8.11, you'll be angry at us and raising we didn't correct such an obvious error!!!
I hope everybody gets his mind back when dust settles.

When I was officiating in Toulouse, teams would complain we had taken such decision because they were a Novice team and we favored pros, pros would say we had commercial grieves against their sponsors, Franch team would say we sacrificed them to please foreign ones, foreign teams would say we were biased in favor of the local teams... And we were there, trying to be fair to every team, even to those who'd insult us.
I still have the same mindset. I made errors typing the rules and not re-reading them well, and I offer you my deepest apologies for that. I've already started to work on "Version 2" of the rules.
But I stand firm by our decision : we should have followed the rules and cancelled the penalty points. We kept them (calculated by the rule) in contradiction with what had been said during the captains' meeting and in spite of what would have been fair to the Tontons because Laurent plays with them. If it was political -and it was- it was AGAINST a promoter. Had it been your team, for instance, we'd have cancelled the points. We didn't yield to a promoter's pressure, it's exactly the contrary.

Anyway... You implicitely say Moose and Joern were biased, all three of us were biased. Well, I'll argue about a possible mistake, but I can't let good people be insulted like that. Joern is the most honest, the most wanting to be fair ultimate I know. Moose's reputation doesn't need my back up.

Well, I've already written here much more than I wanted to. Please don't take my not posting replies here from now on as disrespect to you or any other. If you didn't get the facts Joern and I presented you with, if I didn't get my point across, there's no use repeating the same things endlessly.
I stand by what I stand, I sincerily apologize for my mistakes, I won't accept inuendos that I am biased in favor or against anyone, I hold no grief against anybody -not even against Robbo, even if he should know better- because I can understand people get carried out when they believe justice has been violated.

My email is on the website.



Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Re: Right !

Originally posted by JeanManuel
I've already started to work on "Version 2" of the rules.
Who is going to be responsible for formatting these rules? I do think it should be from a committee of players and not a promotor or individual person

Originally posted by JeanManuel
But I stand firm by our decision : we should have followed the rules and cancelled the penalty points.
This is what I have the biggest problem with. This issue is not about the rules as per the sheet it's about the safety and cheating. There is NO WAY whatseoever that this should have gone by un penalised under ANY circumstances. Anyone found to have had hot guns in a game and MUST be penalised.

Originally posted by JeanManuel
Had it been your team, for instance, we'd have cancelled the points.
I disagree completely. Had it been any team I think most of us would still have been complaining. I definitely would have. If you had cancelled the points completely that would have been a VERY bad thing and an insult to people that work hard to ensure safe play and that their markers do not go hot.



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Jean !

I will, for the sake of how I once regarded you Jean, dismount my high horse.
You are right, I do feel as though there has been an enormous injstice been done and 'Yes' I do feel enraged about the decision and subsequent defences you have offered up.
But regardless of anything I have said, I want you to acknowledge a few things; Laurent told me at the Campaign Cup that under NO circumstances were any rules to be changed while a tournament was in progress.
He told me this regarding a question I had asked in increasing the number of teams in the semi finals from 8 to 12, this was in front of Niall as well, so Laurent cannot deny this.
Why was the rule changed bearing this in mind ?

When you spoke to me and Debbie on the Saturday, you made a BIG thing in saying that you had stood up to Laurent and would not back down regarding this proposed rule change he had been pressuring you to make; And yet come Sunday, your position had reversed.
What new information made you change your mind that you did NOT ALREADY KNOW on the Saturday ?

Answer these two questions and I will keep my mouth shut from now on !