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Maxs Masters - Finals & various problems


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Buddha - I got ya' back,

I don't care who said what to whom and who didn't.

But I do care about mine and my players safety and I feel that post game chrono is ESSENTIAL in at least disuading players from pushing the rules.

In fact I can't remember a game at Max where we didn't get chrono'ed after the game so I didn't actually know the rule had been changed !!!!

So let's reinstate the after game chrono and let's make sure the chrono penalties are sorted before Portugal - the rest is water under the bridge to me


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Buddha 3
In all honesty, I couldn't give a flying f*ck anymore about who's telling the truth, and who isn't...
Hey Bud, it's very important to me, now you may not 'care' anymore but I think for my own benefit, I would want people to realise that it is not I, who is indulging himself.
Though I do agree, there are bigger fish to fry than my sensibilities but........well you know how it goes sometimes !!


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam

I think there are 2 issues,

1 where the rules "changed" for the sake of this incident - that I do care about and I want the siutation clarified as to what should happen in future.

and 2 who said what to whom to get that "change". That's the bit I think me and Buddha are saying is now immaterial after the fact.

However, I do completely agree that there is no way in hell rules should be changed within a tournament - spelling mistake/error or otherwise.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Beaker
I think there are 2 issues,
1 where the rules "changed" for the sake of this incident - that I do care about and I want the siutation clarified as to what should happen in future.
and 2 who said what to whom to get that "change". That's the bit I think me and Buddha are saying is now immaterial after the fact.
However, I do completely agree that there is no way in hell rules should be changed within a tournament - spelling mistake/error or otherwise.
agreed on all points but you were not directly involved in what has happened whereas I was told certain things by Jean and therefore my integrity is being bought into question with regard to reporting that discussion.
I realise that perhaps your considerations in all this are not the same as my own and hence the difference in what you perceive as important as against what I am defending.
Laters B

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
What I said was purely meant to display my opinion on the original issue (a bit late perhaps, and admittedly, my opening line kind of looks like I'm trying to end the 'bickering'). I fully agree with you when you say that your integrity has been challenged, and you have every right to respond to it, so by all means, go ahead. Although this ofcourse also means that JM is more than welcome to post up his side of the story.
Me and Beaker are just making sure that the safety issue doesn't get snowed under when the big boys rumble...:D
Just too add more fuel to the fire...

The follwoing rules are taken from the rules on the Millennium web site as of Wednesday (after Maxs), they state:

7.01 Chronographing on the field may be done at any time at the discretion of any field judge to determine if a marker’s muzzle velocity has risen above legal limits. Judges will seek to perform on the field chronographing in a manner which least interferes with play.
7.02 Players with markers chronoed on the field during a game at 300 feet per second or less (one two or three shots at the discretion of the field judge) will continue to play without penalty.
7.03 Players with markers which are shooting over 300 feet per second will be eliminated from play.
7.04. Players who are observed working on their marker during the course of a game, with the exception of cleaning paint out of barrels, loaders or feed ports, changing constant air tanks, will be immediately removed from play.
10.28. Players whose markers shoot on the field in excess of 310 feet per second will be eliminated in accordance with
the provisions of Section 7.03 hereof.
12.41 For every marker found to shoot above the allowed limit, penalties will be assessed as follow:
- if the average of the three shots is greater than 300 fps (sum equal to or greater than 901 fps) but equal to or
less than 305 fps (sum equal to or less than 915 fps), penalty is 10 pts.
- If the average of three shots is greater than 305 fps (sum equal to or greater than 916 fps), penalty is 50 pts.

Now is there any wonder why things got so f@cked up, we have 3 different sections contradicting each other - and contradicting what was said at the captains meeting.

People who know me (Maggot, Brocollidwarf, Niall etc.) know that for the past 1 1/2 year I have been saying that the rule book needs to be COMPLETELY re-written (and in proper readable english I might add - not pseudo legal-speak). Our rules have been added on to, changed, twisted and *******ized that the only way to procedd properly is to trash them all and start again (using the basics as a guide of course).

I also feel that Jean Manuel has too many other things to worry about, it is about time for this supposed rules/disciplinary committee to take over, and let him concetrate on organizing the Series.



Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam

Sorry - just re-read my posts and I didn't mean to come across that you couldn't defend yourself.

As Buddha said, I just feel that whatever was said - the underlying problem is that a rule that directly relates to the safety of the players was altered at very short notice for reasons unknown. A situaiton that should NEVER arise. The rules should be very clear, very strict and fully enforced - I don't know a paintballer who would disagree.

Whe on earth they couldn't have called all the captains together at the beginning of a session to explain the mistakes found in the rules I don't know.

Plus last year, with each registration you got a copy of the rules - very handy. what about this year? it relies of people bringing their own it seems.

Indeed, me and Nick had a conversation about the rulebook errors HERE


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I think we are all, Bud, Goose, Niall, Mag etc and belatedly Jean Manuel and Laurent all want the same thing.
It just seems ironic to me that it took a piece of French chicanery to bring this to a head.
I am fully aware that the wider issue in all this is the question of safety and a rule book that is unambiguous and fair, I think I have been consistent in this viewpoint all along.

But let's not forget what happened and how it happened because although the rule book needs to be sorted out (which I think it will be now), the problem of hierarchical interference (A curse of paintball) was alive and well at this tournament.
It all smacked of conspiracy, deceit and self-interest; these are NOT minor issues to be swept under the carpet of rule amendments.

Chronographing should be done at any time the judges think it's warranted, what dick introduced the idea that end-game chronographing should stop?
I mean, what the hell was he thinking about ?
It's a frikkin licence to cheat or at least 'roll the dice' with regard to getting chronoed on field.
It was half ass, idiotic, ignorant and f##kin dangerous to stop end game chronographing.
Bring back chronographing at any time is what it should be.


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
NIck / Goose

If you still have any of those suggestions in an e-mail please can you send them to me.

I will be happy to re-write the book to accomodate these and other suggestions / amendments. Then we can put it to the board and see what they say.

It might take me a few days but I'll do it.