Originally posted by Solonor
Oh and ok ,Robbo might have written some bad things about that situation that might not be correct-as JM claims-Respect
Solonor, listen up and take note, I have written something 650 posts on this thread, answered God knows how many emails because of this thread, written over 250 articles........all about paintball and the personalities within it.
I have NEVER and I mean NEVER lied in any of them, I have nothing to feel bad about what happened in Germany, I NEVER did anything there so I have nothing to hide, what the hell is my reason for fabricating any truths?
If I said 'bad' things as you put it, it's becasue the subject matter was bad not the way I wrote it.
Jean Manuel is the hapless fool who f##ked up and then buckled under the pressure his peer, Laurent put him under.
These are the facts that help us understand who, if anybody, is not telling the truth, I have no reason to lie, and therefore no motive.
Jean Manuel has both.
He has to try and minimise the damage, deflect criticism, maintain his position and defend his actions that he knows were not only biased but were also unprofessional.
What are my motives?
I told you guys exactly what happened and what was said, to invent anything, one iota, is to allow my report on things to be undermined.
Most every person coming on this thread has condemned Jean Manuel and Laurent’s actions, is it any wonder that Jean should then come on here and seem a lone voice ?
Ring any bells, Jean and Laurent being the lone voices in the 'No Look' debate ?
Nah, it's no coincidence, it's connections at work, lack of resolve and lack of professionalism.
There is absolutely no mileage in me even exaggerating facts let alone creating them.
If you peeps want to try and work out who is telling the truth in this, look at over 650 posts that I have written, look over all the posts that are concerned with what happened in Germany, then look over Jean's, I need say no more cuz it ain't my frikkin ass on the line, is it Jean?
Do you know what sickens me the most in all this?
It's when after all the damage has been done, all the incompetence and bias been laid bare for all to see, it's when they turn round and say, 'Oh, it's gonna be alright from now on, don't worry about anything, we are gonna put it all right for you guys'
Well, I tell ya what pisses me off real bad about that, it's like they are running around to try and accommodate us, giving the impression they are helping us out in fixing all the rules and procedures and they THINK that this should be the end of it.
What about the penalty for such actions ?
Did Laurent have a momentary revelation immediately after the event ?
I mean, one second Laurent is twisting the arm of Jean Manuel to change the rules mid tournament (which Laurent has assured me was impossible and illegal at last year's Campaign Cup) and the next second, Laurent after the event, tells everybody that no longer will promoters be able to influence the rules and accepts what he did was wrong.
Now where and when exactly did that epiphany take place ?
He frikkkin knew it was wrong the day he did it and yet still done it so his team would benefit and it is now his team who should pay the price of point reduction.
Grrrrrr !!!!
Jean, please don't call me a liar again !!
I can hold my head up in all this, you nor Laurent, can do the same !!