Originally posted by Robbo
Jean, before you open your mouth again and call me a liar, you had better make damn sure you are right.
Tell me one thing where I have knowingly lied !!!!
Because if you cannot, then I await your apology !!!!!
Oh ? You go around insulting people but get touchy when it comes to you I see?
Ok, English is not my mother tongue, you tell me what the word should be for:
* You say we changed the rules but agreed when we spoke that:
- the calculation system for hot gun penalty points was abviously wrong (I admit you expressed doubts when I spoke of a "cut and paste" mistake, but not when I added "or something of the sort" -I'm adding this to be completely fair).
- decisions announced during the TC meeting override the written rules (but you warned me you wouldn't print that in PGI, especially if our decision meant a British team didn't make it to the semi finals).
... But you keep saying we changed the rules. So you told me something and are now saying something else.
* You say I took the decision, but you know we took the decision as a committee I'm not the head of, consisting of three persons (I specifiy that I totally agree with the committee's decision).
* You claim to be unbiased and sticking to the letter of the written rules, but when it doesn't suit you anymore, you tell Joern he can stick them up his (poetic stuff removed). You don't mind our "changing the rules" by correcting the mistake that would have obliged the refs to 1x1 evey eliminated player looking at the game. So that one you allowed us to "change".
So you say you go by the letter of the rules, and that's obviously not the case.
Regarding your insulting attitude towards Joern, for instance, and generally speaking, towards all those who disagree with you, I'm sure you have a fancy word to teach me there too.
Discussing with you is pointless : you don't listen, and when proven wrong, you don't react with a valid argument but with a haughtly insult.
Takes us nowhere, doesn't help paintball.
The worst thing is you KNOW if you ever play on a team and there's a tricky situation, whatever happened, I'll do my best to be fair to your team. As the Ultimate in Toulouse in 94 or 95, when I was directly employed by Laurent, I ruled against a Tonton team for the Preds on an unobvious playing on issue. In 97, I threw out a Tonton ref who had repeateadly made bad calls (that player's gone now). In 96, I ruled for an English team according to my conviction and against the spectators' and many teams' pressure, despite the fact I had seen them cheat on the same game (and penalized for that, a light infraction compared to what they were accused of by some refs), because I was convinced on that particular issue they hadn't.
I told you in Bitburg : do what you think is fair, I do what I believe is fair.
Are you?