I watched that game, I was standing next to the Impact guys and saw the hit go in- the player flinched, so he knew he had been hit, whether it burst or not he may not have been able to tell, but he still played on. Had that of been a millennium event he may well have been one4oned.Originally posted by Rob (impact uk)
Fester i assume you play for storm pro the game i watched between storm and ectasy on the smart parts field was a complete joke your guy on the second line 50 was clearly shot on the neck (no neck protector must of felt it) what did he do ? walk off the field, no he carried on playing for approximatly 2 minuits before it was noticed and he was pulled.
What did your captain do when you lost, moan and bitch about fair play and injustice, you lost and deserved to in my oppion.
marshalling is tough espeicially in those sort of conditions think you can do better step up to the plate
At the end of the day guys the marshelling may be bad, but people only complain if the marshalls are bad and players of the other team get away with cheating - i mean have you heard anyone complain that they were allowed to play on with a hit or whipe a hit off?????
Anyway what would you prefere - the M25 events or back to playing at temple??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????