OK, I was a marshal on the angel field and that the ONLY complaint i've seen DIRECTLY aimed at that field as aposed to general stuff was the origonal thread start I'll take as a good thing.
I personaly don't remeber that incident but I did't arive untill mid morning having been up till 2 at a works function but still came down, hangover and all when I did't have to ! I have described a simaler incident on another thread tho where the whole situation was brought about by a player playing on over 10 -15 m and shooting 3 players, then people have the gaul to blame the marshals for the confusion caused by us puting players back in !!!
Whils SOME coments i'm sure are well grounded the truth of the mater has already been brought to light by the very person whos complained the most........ The reason the marchaling is not up to your standard Sam, is most of the people there do not play to your level and have neither the experiance or the fight after 7 hours in 30 deg for the **** they have to put up with from the players. You said yourself that the teams most able are not willing, therfore, you have what you have and untill they have GAINED that experiance you will have to live with it ! (Whilst I agree some things could be easily rectified experiance can not !)
I am not going to get into a protracted debate as reading the last 9 pages was more stressfull that dealing with people unable and unwilling to simply play a sport to the rules of that sport so do not expect a further responce from me. There are to many coments in the last 9 pages for me to remember let alone respond to as sam requests, so I will leave you with these thoughts.
Most of the people who have marshaled the M25 so far are inexperiance both as Players AND as marshals so ANY comparison to the milenium series is frankly ludicrus. That these said players are actualy willing to stand up and be counted, crap or not, puts them above ANY player out ther who posts on this board and winges having NEVER marshaled themselves (U OK Sam

And whether the marshals are good, poor, inexperianced, or of 10 years experiance (like me !) do you realy blame them for being a little reluctent to 'MAKE A SPILIT SEC DESISION' when all they get for it is verbal & physial abuse, gun throwing , foulmouthed, unsportsman like responces from the very people that if they DIDN'T cheet in the first place wouldt FORCE us into making those decisions !
Before ANYONE posts further on this subject............