
Thanks for the reply, and I agree with you that the general climate and way these things are viewed - players party etc. - is part of the problem. I'll lay money that many of the judges were out on the beer the night before, as most refs are before most events...
I think the key bit lies in your post here:
>> I know some will jump straight on that comment and bleat about profesionalism and all that but how many out there can claim they've never played hung-over ? Is that not just as "unprofesional" in your aproch as a team player ? Just a thought for debate ! Breath test's next to the chrony
Players pay to play - if they wish to waste their money and let their team down, or if they just want a laugh with their mates and the beer is as important as the event after - then that is their choice as paying customers.
Part of what the players pay for is marshals, and marshals are paid to be there. Now if my staff turned up to work pissed/massively hungover and incapable of performing their function correctly, they wouldn't have a job for very long.
Now if we want to have Paintball The Fun Activity, then the way things are at the monment is fine, but if we want to have Paintball The Sport, then hungover refs have to go....
I think the key bit lies in your post here:
>> I know some will jump straight on that comment and bleat about profesionalism and all that but how many out there can claim they've never played hung-over ? Is that not just as "unprofesional" in your aproch as a team player ? Just a thought for debate ! Breath test's next to the chrony
Players pay to play - if they wish to waste their money and let their team down, or if they just want a laugh with their mates and the beer is as important as the event after - then that is their choice as paying customers.
Part of what the players pay for is marshals, and marshals are paid to be there. Now if my staff turned up to work pissed/massively hungover and incapable of performing their function correctly, they wouldn't have a job for very long.
Now if we want to have Paintball The Fun Activity, then the way things are at the monment is fine, but if we want to have Paintball The Sport, then hungover refs have to go....