chrismrgn said:
You clearly know a hell of a lot more about the politics of balling, but what i am saying is that if there was something the players wanted so badly, they would refuse to play until the change was made then surely the league would want to keep its self running by making that change.
Chris, it's not so much the politics of Paintball that determines the ineffectiveness of player power at this juncture, I will explain.
At the moment we are in the process of courting mainstream TV.
Top dog in this enterprise is the NPPL.
They will do what it takes to make damned sure the product they have is what TV wants, not what the player wants, TV is the one that needs to be satisfied here.
If we allow player power to set the direction then we immediately restrict our evolutionary path because it may well not be what's best in trying to make sure they get a successful TV product.
And so, the game will be formatted accordingly.
Thus far the 7 man edited down version has proven to be a successful candidate, it has certainly been the most successful production thus far.
Now in my opinion, the success has more to do with the production itself rather than the format but as far as the NPPL guys go, why tinker with something if it's working.
Basically don't try to fix it if it ain't broke is the philosophy that underpins their stance at the moment.
With this in mind, they see the 7 Man format as the vehicle most likely to get Paintball onto TV and if you think that us players voting for XBall is gonna derail that then I'm afraid you are gonna be disappointed.
In my opinion, a tweaked XBall is by far a better version to adopt but I ain't gonna be criticising the NPPL guys too much because they gotta go with what's proved successful so far.
OK, so you say, what's this gotta do with the Millennium and Europe?
Everything I'm afraid because Europe will follow suit, it has to..the industry spans both sides of the Atlantic, we are gonna be promoting international tourneys that involve everyone and as such, we need a common format and if a successful TV deal is reinforcing that standardisation, the Millennium guys are hardly likely to don their King Canute crowns and endeavour to resist the 7 man format tide coming across the Atlantic, nah it ain't gonna happen.
Player power in terms of format determination on either side of the water is not gonna happen in the short term Chris, no way.