About the movie "Submission".
I've seen it. It's been aired on public television long before anyone thought to show it at some documentary festival. So despite the movie getting pulled from the festival, it's not like it's been denied to the public. Instead people figured why take a risk from a small group of loonies, when anybody interested has probably already seen it.
As far as the movie goes, the way it is made I can see why even the avarage, non hardline Muslim would get upset over it. The movie is supposedly about women that were abused under the pretext of religion. I have no doubt the women in this movie were indeed the victim of this, but the way the movie is made, it seems as though they try to say that ALL Muslims are wife beaters. That's ludicrous. Besides, I know plenty of cases of wife beatings within Christian communities as well.
Most of us are aware of the avarage Muslim's stance on female nudity. Many Muslim women wear a headscarf, most of them do so voluntarily. This movie shows passages from the Quoran being projected on the bodies of the women concerned,who are wearing nothing but see through clothing. Given Theo van Gogh's (the director) love for pissing people off (he admitted to enjoying that) and the co producer's background (The movie was co produced by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a somewhat rightwing politician with an agenda that solely consists of anti-Islam points), it is obvious this movie was not meant to educate, just to piss off and/or show a slanted view.
Anyway, enough about the film. Just thought you should know a little more about the film, since you all are discussing it.
PS I'm as far from being a lefty, as I am a rightwinger. I'm quite comfortable sitting in the middle where I can flip the finger at everyone
PPS I did see Fahrenheit 9/11. As a movie it was okay, and Michael Moore certainly had some points. But as a fanatical student of modern history and military history in particular I can tell you that he also missed the target at other points. However, he does make a better point than GWB.