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Irony of the Day (warning: non-PB subject)

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Not saying the film made them do it, just that they knew that some people would get mightily pissed over it. In the same way that it's unwise to go into a grandstand full of hooligans dressed in the other team's colours. Not a justification obviously, but it's a bit unrealistic to be thinking otherwise... (I know, I know, there's a smiley there, so I don't need to explain)

Chris Hitchen? Can't say I'm familiar with his work (or the man himself), but if I can get my hands on it, I will. Is it a full book? If so, I will be able to get it. One should always try to hear both sides of a story.


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Jul 23, 2001
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Ben , I really think your blinkers are bocoming a bigger hindrance than any of us could give credit, we are not all lefty wishy washy tree huggers. I am a catholic (but far from practising) conservative. So thats point 1 taken care of.

I suppose I could be stereotyped into the 'middle Englander' bracket, and yes there are thing that this and previous governments do that appall me. I feel that at the moment England is the economic migrants Utopia, but remember some econimic migrants do benefit the society they enter, but at the moment there should be a big sign at Dover saying 'FULL' . At the moment there is no way apart from wholesale rises in taxes that we can cover the social cost requirement that the UK currently runs, that Ben, is a fact. Use it wisely. The fact that most of them have travelled all the way across Europe, where technically they could claim the same 'rights' but choose not, and continue there way to benefit culture UK, where I have a real problem finding adequate child care slightly annoying in the least. BUT, this is the fault of administration and not any particular religious/ethnic group.

Be careful who you blame as you seem to be marginalising yourself into a minority here, my friend.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Originally posted by duffistuta
2. Refugees
We have a humanitarian responsibility to act as a safe haven for genuine refugees.

Ultimately, I believe in free movement betwen borders, period.

The UK is hardly the first "port of call" from any war zones, if people are genuine refugees fleeing a war zone why travel through multiple countries to get here, when the main goal would be freedom from persecution / danger, whatever. The UK already gives huge amounts of public and private money in disaster and poverty relief, why should we place additional burden upon an already stretched welfare state? The UK has a responsibility to solve it's own poverty problems first surely? the tax burden in this county is 60%+ in many cases, where's the additional money going to come from cos it ain't a bottomless pit? Sure we can expand and allow in more people looking for work, but they have to be skilled and enter the legitimate labour economy immediately and not the "black" market. A quota system maybe a good idea. For every "worker" entering or contributing to the welfare state, we allow 0.1 refugees. Should a person entering on a work visa not find employment within a specified timeframe they are subject to deportation. Immigration needs to be self funding. People can bring whatever culture they want to the party, along as they have paid for or had their ticket subsidised.

I do agree that there has been an over-sensationalisation of the problem within the media, but there are problems with small hardcore groups of immigrants here for the wrong reasons or not prepared to "toe the line". Perhaps we need to take a tougher line with these groups for the benefit of all. There is no "can't" when it comes to obeying the laws of the land, and in the words of Chuck, "can't means won't, won't means jail".


Active Member
Jan 25, 2005
well lets face it,if we kept to the damn rules that were laid out the immegration problem would be solved in the UK since if these so called refugees wernt french,irish,spanish dutch or american or any other immediate neibouring country then they couldnt come in and only these countries i mentioned should only be allowed in if under immediate threat from danger/persecution of war etc,since the rule states you have to seek refuge in the first safe country they find safety.

just my 2p worth :eek:


People's Supermod
Sep 18, 2003
Chicago (South Side)
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religion is the cause of more death than anything else, ever.
When people thought the earth was flat I can understand why it would be so accepted.
When an early form of law and order was required, fine.

But now?

Someone mentioned Enoch earlier. I think he had a bad rap. His 'rivers of blood' speech was a little extreme, but his basic philosophy was sound, and in many ways what he said made some sense. Plus he was from Wolverhampton, and nothing evil ever came out of Wolverhampton!

I miss Noddy, The funny gollywog guy on the side of Robinsons Jam, and all the other things taken away from us in the PC revolution.
I think the anti-muslim sentiments are the new form of racism. It is now totally unacceptable (and rightly so) to hate soemone for the color of their skin, but Muslims, they can be any color, right? So its OK to hate on them, right?

Not trying to be politically correct here. I have more in common with Keith Idema than Bob Geldof, but having lived in both the UK and the US I can tell you that the UK is by far the more culturally diverse country, and the more culturally forgiving in my opinion.

Oh, and the film thing, its a disgrace I tell you.