Or Gun

Its like picking on it cos its black
Ok, please reword the title because the marshalls are NOT racist

. The word you are looking for is prejudiced. Further to that, its not something I have ever witnessed at the UKM though.
We have a large selection of guns on our team and no gun was chosen in preference of any other. We did find that the first 2 people on the field were invariably checked though.
As for checks, my understanding is that the rules state a chrono test on the field and a millenium bump test. BUT marshalls have started to check for ramping and bounce because the number of people attempting to get away with it has been on the rise.
I figure that if you have a genuine complaint, take it to Wendy when the problem occurs. Having problems with your team is not something you can blame the marshalls for, as you have to foot the bill for a stand in.....if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.
Sorry to hear you feel so agrieved by the marshalls

, but personally I think they do a top job considering the pressure that we players put them under.