sorry guys
cant see how there is any predudice against different markers
i marshall most of the five man masters and do chrono judge at some of them also..
as for paint wendy has a set rule that a chrono judge can use a full hopper of paint to check a suspect marker.. somethining i have never had to do is use a full one yet i aint there to waste peeps paint.
as for Bon if it was lincoln you were at and you had a problem why did you not just go and see wendy voice it with her and she would have looked into it rather than shouting about it on here..
i was on field 2 doing crhono judge and i am sure many can vouch i checked all sorts of markers
to say we never checked the black A1 because it belonged to Lips is rubbish
at the end of the day we are trying to do a job if you have a problem speak to wendy. if we were not doing it the markers that were pulled for ramping and being hot would not happen
myself i enjoy marshalling and do it at least once a month but its all theese comments that put me off
if you aint happy then bring it up at the tourney to the relevant people or get on the field and marshall yourself................................