the hopper of paint is just for if you think something is suss. people moan anyway even if you fire fifteen checking for ramping well certain peeps but they have the option too fill from a pot prior to the game and when ever there is a problem 90% of the time they can remedy it there or borrow a marker unless we are really pushed for time.Really? i'm surprised at that.
Hellraiser - there is prejudice against certain markers. Thats pretty much a fact. It's likely not intended, but most people see a timmy (which has been perfectly set up, or any gun for that matter) and see it shooting ropes and think its got a cheat/bounce in it. They keep seeing these guns and develop a prejudice toward them and categorise all of them like that.
as for certain markers which run really sweet yeah people check them but it aint just timmys there are people who play every month who have very sweet egos and shockers and other markers.. point is if we think there is something not right ofcourse we will check otherwise we aint doing our job right..
i get my Dm6 checked a lot at the seven man it runs sweet but that does not bother me its part of the game. i have even loaned it to marshalls for lunch time one on ones..
The point i would like to make is if you aint happy with the way we have checked your marker or the amount of paint we have fired or if we are picking on your marker then bring it up with the organiser rather than slating us on here.. bring it up when something can be done about it rather than crying after when nothing can be done.
i have had a marker pulled on my field a few months back the guy then went to the organiser complained the organiser then brought the marker back asked to be shown what was wrong we showed them and our decision was final. i am happy with that he had the bottle to try and rectify it on the day..
cheers Neil