
I don't think it's run like an athletic event, but everyone else seems to, so given that, saying moms and kids won't like paintball because of the toilets or food is ridiculous, because they're exactly the facilities such people would expect, are used to, and accept elsewhere.
Real problems are properly trained, supervised and paid officials, trying to have open-participation sporting events, being unable to separate the playing of paintball from the commerce of paintball, lack of local area promotion, hostile separation of tournament and recreational players, lack of general industry marketing, etc. These are problems that plague the industry as a whole, not just PSP. From the ground up, paintball is done mostly wrong. We need to get into junior high and high schools and get kids playing early. We need to reach parents so they know playing paintball is OK. We need to make sure the average person knows what paintball is, even if they never play, so they think it's odd when their city council tries to ban sporting goods equipment.
People thinking that the primary use of a paintball gun is vandalism is what's preventing us from being a sport, not where and when Pete gets to pee at World Cup. The answer to how we make this sport grow and be accepted is not in the type and configuration of toilets at a tournament, even if the tournament ego would like to pretend that's true.
And Pete, sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "I can't hear you! I can't hear you!" over and over again doesn't make the other guy's point go away.
- Chris
Real problems are properly trained, supervised and paid officials, trying to have open-participation sporting events, being unable to separate the playing of paintball from the commerce of paintball, lack of local area promotion, hostile separation of tournament and recreational players, lack of general industry marketing, etc. These are problems that plague the industry as a whole, not just PSP. From the ground up, paintball is done mostly wrong. We need to get into junior high and high schools and get kids playing early. We need to reach parents so they know playing paintball is OK. We need to make sure the average person knows what paintball is, even if they never play, so they think it's odd when their city council tries to ban sporting goods equipment.
People thinking that the primary use of a paintball gun is vandalism is what's preventing us from being a sport, not where and when Pete gets to pee at World Cup. The answer to how we make this sport grow and be accepted is not in the type and configuration of toilets at a tournament, even if the tournament ego would like to pretend that's true.
And Pete, sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "I can't hear you! I can't hear you!" over and over again doesn't make the other guy's point go away.
- Chris