This is what I think about this Chris guy :-
When I was at uni, which was a long, long time ago, certain students exhibited certain behavioural traits that at times could easily identify them as reading certain subjects.
The Maths guys all had long hair, half of them had glasses, no sense of humour and were about as exciting as a wet firework (except me of course, I was as cool as ****).
The Science guys were aloof but had half a sense of humour and drank like fish, when they eventually got out of bed.
The 'Arty Farty' type guys, you know the type, Languages, History, Arts etc, well, what can I say, they were all freaks and dressed like tramps and never went to lectures but still passed with a 2.1 coz their course was sooo damn easy !
The philosophy guys all went round looking intense as if they knew something the rest of us didn't and were to a man (and woman), all butt ugly with a multiplicity of spots, acne and facial haemorrhages of some kind going on.
And now we come to those who read the Social Sciences, OH MY GOD !!!!
I hated them, they thought coz their course had the word 'Science' attached to it, they could be regarded as scientists but their most endearing trait was this, after just one term, these idiots thought they knew it all, thought they could cure the world of all its ills, they looked at the world thru their first term course work and their arrogance made them believe they understood it all; for any serious thinking people, they were quite sickening to be around !!
And our little mate Chris is one of these and if he ain't studying the Social Sciences then he should change course now !!
He comes onto this board exhibiting all the traits of the social science guys, lecturing arrogantly to many people on here, all who have vastly more expereince of the game than he.
Yeuk !!!!
When I was at uni, which was a long, long time ago, certain students exhibited certain behavioural traits that at times could easily identify them as reading certain subjects.
The Maths guys all had long hair, half of them had glasses, no sense of humour and were about as exciting as a wet firework (except me of course, I was as cool as ****).
The Science guys were aloof but had half a sense of humour and drank like fish, when they eventually got out of bed.
The 'Arty Farty' type guys, you know the type, Languages, History, Arts etc, well, what can I say, they were all freaks and dressed like tramps and never went to lectures but still passed with a 2.1 coz their course was sooo damn easy !
The philosophy guys all went round looking intense as if they knew something the rest of us didn't and were to a man (and woman), all butt ugly with a multiplicity of spots, acne and facial haemorrhages of some kind going on.
And now we come to those who read the Social Sciences, OH MY GOD !!!!
I hated them, they thought coz their course had the word 'Science' attached to it, they could be regarded as scientists but their most endearing trait was this, after just one term, these idiots thought they knew it all, thought they could cure the world of all its ills, they looked at the world thru their first term course work and their arrogance made them believe they understood it all; for any serious thinking people, they were quite sickening to be around !!
And our little mate Chris is one of these and if he ain't studying the Social Sciences then he should change course now !!
He comes onto this board exhibiting all the traits of the social science guys, lecturing arrogantly to many people on here, all who have vastly more expereince of the game than he.
Yeuk !!!!