Ramping allowed in a local tournament, positive results...
A local tournament allowed ramping, simply because it was hard to enforce against it, and instead of dealing with the complaints of people cheating and all the secrecy, they simple allowed it.
No caps or limits essentially (One shot per pull slow pulling, no full auto, no velocity ramp)
We saw less overshooting, and although more paint was shot, teams with ramping guns didn't win the games, the better team won the games.
Because overshooting was enforced very strict (3 shot max per person, if a person was shot more then 3 shots, one person was pulled. So if your team had 2 guys who shot a player, with 2 balls each, one of your players would be pulled) When people got bunkered, they got 1 or 2 shots at most, because most people were afraid of getting pulled for overshooting.
Just thought I'd let you know, that maybe ramping isn't as bad as we think, if it's capped (15 maybe?) and overshooting was watched more strictly, I think it would benefitical. Although most won't agree, it may just be the future for the sport. I know I was heavily against it, but I'd never seen it when it was completely legal, and it turned out to be a BETTER event than without ramping (Although that was not the entirety of it, we had a new paint sponsor (PMI) for the event and polar ice was shooting awesome for cold weather)
I don't support ramping in anything other than tournaments and team practices where everyone KNOWS that you're using ramping.