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2006/2007 University Paintball League


Dyslexic Brians
Feb 12, 2006
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Dude can you give me the details for costs for next year as sorting out our finance plan atm. Whats the deal with ukpsf affiliation and are those dates confirmed? Also will the events be located at other competitions as you discussed before as we have sponsors who will drop off paint but only at big events.

Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
GinjaKunt said:
Dude can you give me the details for costs for next year as sorting out our finance plan atm. Whats the deal with ukpsf affiliation and are those dates confirmed? Also will the events be located at other competitions as you discussed before as we have sponsors who will drop off paint but only at big events.
I'm aiming to confirm the dates, and announce venues and entry fees in the next week or two. The plan is not currently to hold the league alongside other events but to book our own venues. The host Uni's are speaking to venues at the moment. The league will be byo, so if you are able to pick paint up from your sponsor you'll be able to bring it to the events. Alternatively, I am looking into options for having paint available at the events, including a company who are interested in bringing a trade stand to the events and supplying paint.

I'll be finalising the details of the UKPSF university affiliation when Steve Bull gets back from his holiday.


New Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Twisty: As Steve has said, and in compliance with BUSA regulations, you would not be able to play for the mighty mighty Portsmouth team. However, you are more than welcome to join us for training and social events and stuff.

I think that Dan (BunkaMonkey) has spoken to you about this, and if you need a place to crash after training, mine's pretty close to the train station, so you should be cool.

But as Steve said, try and organise a club in Chichester!

Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
The plan is to run the league on an Xball-lite/M7 format. I expect to be giving final confirmation of the league details within a week.

I've been looking after getting the league going, but once everything is in place and it is up and running it'll be handed over to you guys (the uni's). As the championship will be later in the year details of that will be decided once the league is underway. I'm hoping the championships will have a lot of new teams from uni's that don't have clubs yet. In order to do this it would be good to send out promo matierial to every uni in the country at the start of the spring term, so everything would need to be decided and booked by the end of the autumn term. But I would suggest that at least the lower divisions should be similar to this year.

Also, I met a Loughbrough uni student at the Masters this weekend. He is starting a club at his uni, and intends to train up a team in time to enter the League. (And incase any of you didn't know, Lufbru Poly and The Mighty Birmingham are arch sporting rivals at the top of the BUSA tables - though Phil will probably point out, Loughbourgh have been 1st for a while now.) Any-hoo that should bring us up to 18 clubs. :)

Michael Merola

bust 3 hoppers in 1 day!
Aug 17, 2004
Milton Keynes / Birmingham
Just realised , I will have some spare time over the summer and will start working on a website for the year ahead.

A League website containing, contact information , next fixtures , results, etc.

Im not the best at graphics stuff so it might be pretty basic but it should do the job :)


Jul 19, 2005
Good idea about the website, but shouldnt it also be a good idea to get a 'committee' of sorts organised, perhaps first? Otherwise it could get to the stage where people are organising things at odds with others... I know Steve Hancock has taken a huge part of organising this League so far (and all credit to him!), but he graduates either this year or the next, so it would be good to have a system in place with a number of people in charge of co-ordinating events, rather than just one person doing everything. To be taken seriously I guess we would have to look into doing this anyway, what other league doesnt have some sort of 'management' system?
For example we should have a representative from each University, and one 'chairperson' (elected or otherwise), who meet up in person at each event, and maybe review the process online as well.

A website is a great start, but make sure that its a good one. No offence mate, but Im sure we've all know the difference between a good website and a bad one. I obviously dont know your coding/graphics skills so cant comment on you specifically, but why not get this committee going, and then either a joint or individual effort to find a programmer/graphic designer from the Unis we represent? Theres no better place to find free labour than Uni's and Im sure we could work something out with entry fees to host a website for a year as well (rather than one of the free **** ones with popups etc). How much is hosting anyway? Raise the team fees by a fiver or a tenner. Simple.

This league could (and in my opinion should) be absolutely superb in terms of inter-Uni paintball (both in terms of the sport and relationships gained). But it could also be seen as slightly amateurish if we're not careful. A brilliant website, a clearly defined management structure (no offense Steve, you know we love you!), a statement of our aims/objectives and above all a credibility earned by running these events to the best of our capabilities. Thats what we want, and it should be relatively simple to do so!

What we dont want is to be seen as 'just some students trying to play paintball on the cheap'.

Anyway, just thought I'd post up..
Any thoughts?