Regarding TV
XBall will succeed by being big. 6 or 7 teams scattered round the US won't do it, it would have to be done like American Football, where many teams compete, then the winners of a season long division go on to meet in the final. I can quite easily see the first season being pretty much ignored, it's the final that they should be pushing to be televised, then maybe the season after will garner some interest.
True, but..... if Xball is to succeed, it has to be taken up by the general populace, or the tv networks won't touch it. The best way for it to be taken up, is surely to have inter city rivalries?? or at least inter state rivalries.Originally posted by Baca Loco
No doubt true but the issue would be compensation to the original franchise holder and the potential to split the fan base and thus devalue the original franchise.
XBall will succeed by being big. 6 or 7 teams scattered round the US won't do it, it would have to be done like American Football, where many teams compete, then the winners of a season long division go on to meet in the final. I can quite easily see the first season being pretty much ignored, it's the final that they should be pushing to be televised, then maybe the season after will garner some interest.