Originally posted by Robbo
I'll let Richmond know a guy called 'Hatts' has reservations about his vision and the PA as an 'organisation' has been pondering hosting a XBall 'style' event........I wonder if he'll sleep tonite
Richmond who?...
If you're referring to the individual I'm thinking of and not a small town in North Yorkshire

I doubt he'll have any problems sleeping. I know I don't have any trouble sleeping simply because a few people can't be bothered to educate themselves sufficiently to learn about my "vision" before slating it at every available opportunity

...but hey that's life and human nature
Alas it seems that because I do not bend my knee at the temple of X-ball am I therefore to be ostracized for my beliefs by the international paintballing community?...oh dear..how will I ever carry on?... hmmm, sure I'll manage to struggle through somehow...
Just because I personally don't like X-ball and I don't happen to believe it's necessarily the way forward for paintball as a sport, that doesn't mean that there aren't others in the PA organisation who do like X-ball and would like to to see the PA develop something along those lines.
So am I missing something here? If it looks viable and enough people want it then what's wrong with trying to provide it in an affordable and realistic manner for those guys who don't happen to play for massively sponsored teams?
As far as I'm aware no one else is looking at trying to provide anything along similar lines so for what reason pray tell do I deserve the sarcasm?