Cow, In my haste to respond you are quite correct, I should have said "having an X does not necessarily mean you have an X ball layout".
Also correctly pointed out we have enjoyed NXL layouts. The Forest I refer to are the 5ft 7" Vertical Tubes, possibly 18-24 inches in diameter. Perfect for the vertically challenged. and for reducing some of the cross field shots. Maybe we are spoilt, but those tubes make a huge difference between fields we set up to practice on, and those we actually compete on.
I just don't think by throwing on a X onto a field it becomes X-ball like. Maybe it does by virtue of an X, but when tournament promoters insist on field designs that do not promote movement (nice big safe cans for all the back players), we got serious imagination problems here. Throw in the UK's ability problems, and were looking at the longest points ever played.
Cow, In my haste to respond you are quite correct, I should have said "having an X does not necessarily mean you have an X ball layout".
Also correctly pointed out we have enjoyed NXL layouts. The Forest I refer to are the 5ft 7" Vertical Tubes, possibly 18-24 inches in diameter. Perfect for the vertically challenged. and for reducing some of the cross field shots. Maybe we are spoilt, but those tubes make a huge difference between fields we set up to practice on, and those we actually compete on.
I just don't think by throwing on a X onto a field it becomes X-ball like. Maybe it does by virtue of an X, but when tournament promoters insist on field designs that do not promote movement (nice big safe cans for all the back players), we got serious imagination problems here. Throw in the UK's ability problems, and were looking at the longest points ever played.