I think there is only one full field in the UK which has a forest. Having a center X does not an X ball field make. The forest is key and completely changes the way it will play.
In response to Steve,
Equivalent number of games: Highly dependent and debatable.
I'm not sure if an X-ball point correlates directly to an equiv 5 man game.
we played a minimum 14 points maximum 22 in Amsterdam (including those disallowed for Hot guns etc), but there are a lot of variables affecting the amount of points played:
Throwing in the Towel,
Penalties (5 v 3's generally played out sub 45 secs)
Game plan - run-through points where the whole team effectively runs through the opposition, No time for pussying around with bunkers.
How many in your squad (the same 5 won't play every point or rarely go back to back - unless your Russian Legion or some of Joy)
Whose out on field
Who your playing
How many you take of the bat, remember you don't score for live bodies either, so trading players can sometimes be beneficial especially if it clears certain bunkers
The dynamic of X is very different to standard round robin paintball. X Ball certainly isn't paintball for the masses, and unless playing a multi day event, the individual is likely to play less paintball than a usual. Over 3 X-Ball matches I estimate we actually played more (individually), but that's 3 matches which is a lot.
In addition to there being only 1 full field in the UK, I'd estimate that only a maximum of 10-15 teams actually have the set-up, players (skill and variety wise), support package, understanding (all in varying degrees), to attempt X Ball. That saying whoever's played it agrees the format is awesome.