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Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Originally posted by Steve Hancock
D6 - The sponsorship i mentioned was the Motarola deal.

Stongle - I would take your word for it if you aswered any of my questions. I might debate your interpretation or valuations. But i doubt you would lie about anything.

Being as i'm not even playing that league how does its success relate to my vanity, its to do with wanting the sport to progress. Those aren't the only things that matter by any stretch of the imagination. And yes only being interested in those would be wrong, and bad for the sport. However ignoring them doesn't help the sport in any way. In fact taking them in to account as part of the biger picture, as i said will help develop the sport.
Ok stevie, just for you:

1. Marshalling. Mixed bag, some teams, some individuals. That saying when the teams are the London Tigers, who are one of the best reffing crews in the country, no-ones getting short changed. There are always issues with Marshalling the PA has some too. That saying if Marshalling is decided to be sub-standard, at least the D7 organisers arranged for games to be replayed. It's a commonsense approach to any issues, not a blanket the marshal is always correct. As an aside to the marshals I think the rules at the PA are too draconian, and although the D7 has some of the PA rules in it, is less draconian. We isn't all fairies and altar boys, that's all part of the fun. As for the PA's written exam, a good idea, they may want to include some practical though, cos their version of a "paint check" needs some work.

2. Netting. D7s has permanent sunk telegraph poles, which are far superior to the scaffolding I saw in evidence. It may now be different at the PA, but short of the Millennium system, the D7s is the best I've seen. They also use X Ball style sin bins for Deadboxes that are fully netted.

3. Player area security. Well considering gats have gone walkies from both events, I wouldn't really put one over the other. The PA may have an id system, but that didn't seem to stop non-players in the staging area when I was there. I was asked specifically about my Gun by non-players when helping teams staging so I don't think either event is better, Again the D7s pragmatic approach of allowing players to stage out of cars until a Hard Staging area was constructed was a good one. Whether this is in place going forward we'll have to wait and see.

points 4 and 5 are mute in my opinion, although when you get the big teams supporting the league and PB Celebrities playing it (Andy "Pudding" Piper, and believe me they come no bigger), the D7s ain't that bad a proposition.

Anyway, shake a leg England play in a bit.


canine defence league
Jun 22, 2003
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From what i've gathered the PA isn't an open competition and since their is no ranking system for teams it should n't consider itself anything other than a regional tourney(albeit a very well run one). If it changes entry requirements then it could possibly hold a UK championship. no top factory team will enter because of sponsorship deals or possibly fear of losing sponsorship.(Imagine having to explain to your sponsors that your not even the best team in your country after leading them to believe that your team are potential world beaters.)

Would PA consider a challenge event. All UK tourneys enter best 2 teams at end of summer (like a mini champions league) winning team is Domestic UK champ. The big teams don't care about being national champs so I don't suppose they'll mind the winners doing a little bragging.


Smakin your Bitch up
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by PEACHIE
From what i've gathered the PA isn't an open competition and since their is no ranking system for teams it should n't consider itself anything other than a regional tourney(albeit a very well run one).
You're right it's not an open competition and as such cannot produce a true UK/national champion. It excludes teams who sadly cannot afford the time and/or expense to attend all events.

I doubt very much the winners of the league could feel comfortable standing next to Nexus, Shock or us and then claim to be national champs.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2002
Nakatomi Plaza
Originally posted by Mario
it sure aint going that way dickyson! ;)
Sorry- my mistake and I'm willing to stand corrected. Shall I dig up the thread when you and Hatts say that the PA are paying for someone to film the event? I think it was under the title 'pb on tv'? Or can I put that down to the classic PA sarcasm that goes one way but not another?

As always, if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong- I have no problem admitting it.

Now- what about the PA Cup (not league)? Is that open to everyone and not committing teams to playing a series? Raises a few questions, surely.....

Edited for link here


Jun 16, 2003
milton keynes.uk
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I think this thread is getting a little side tracked into a slagging match,can we have some constructive posts ,as to why the whole X-Ball format has not been tried in the uk,the way it has in th states and europe,and not get into the merits of this league and that league ?????


Registered User
Jul 13, 2001
Planet Planet
One of the Major problems is the cost. When you sit down and think about the running of an X-Ball event or X-Ball style event you quickly come to the conclusion that you can't have many teams playing per field. I think it takes about 1 hour 30 to run a complete X-Ball match, and then you have the set-up time for the first team and then the hand over for the next match (The last team clearing out and next one moving in). The EXL only run 5 matches per day per field. I know you can change the format, time etc but you would not increase the amount of matches that much. So lets say you have one field to play on (As far as I know there is only one complete X-Ball field in the UK) if every team plays just one match you could only have 10 teams. Which is pretty crap, without an overall winner. If you have 8 teams and run a straight knock out then you get a winner but, 4 teams would get 1 match, 2 teams would get 2 matches and 2 teams would get 3 matches. So not ideal. I could go on and on with different formats forever but hopefully you understand my point.

There are also completely different styles of X-Ball you could design but that wouldn't be X-Ball.

So the bottom line is that it's very difficult for someone to hold an X-Ball style event to make money. And lets face facts that's why people hold events. Yes the PSP manage it but I’m sure the X-Ball along doesn't make any money and is subsidised by the other leagues (10-Man, 5-Man etc). If teams were willing to pay big entrance fees then it could happen but I think it would only be a one off. I love the format but it throws so many others things into the ring that normally don't even come into the equation. The Paint consumption is high and the team infrastructure needs to be solid. We (Nexus) have only played two X-Ball tourneys and we are still learning. Each event I attend there is something else that pops up that just knocks you for six.

If teams are willing to pay something like £500 per team it might happen, but that's down to the organisers. I'll love there to be a few more X-Ball teams to train against.

Long Live X-Ball !



am member
Dec 12, 2001
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The team who wins pa wil be entering Pro at campaign right and should finish higher than all other english teams?
Good good lookinng forward to that.

ledz amen 'long live x'ball'


canine defence league
Jun 22, 2003
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I think that sorts that one out martin. Highest placed UK team in Pro division at campaign are UK champs regardless of any other result. That seems pretty fair to me. I like the cut of your jib and i'm glad to see someone has the cajones to put down a challenge.