You're right Matski.
WDP let Dynasty go because they did not want to match the big $ offers they were getting from a company desperate to get a team that guaranteed them wins, and all the kudos associated with winning.
In 6 months WDP have a team that can beat them up in 2 straight games, and have placed in the finals in most major events this year. I don't think anybody thought that Arsenal would get it together so quickly, except Arsenal and WDP themselves.
Not saying they are going to win everything from now on, but thier confidence going into Vegas must be high.
The Halo Intellifeed has actiually been pioneered by Frazer at WDP and the Angelforce Master-techs. It actually allows the guns to get fed up to 30 balls per second, which gives the Angel teams an edge, as the Fly, I think, is the only gun that can actually fire that fast. I heard there is a similar mod for the Evo, and that all Angel teams will be geared up with Intellifeed loaders ready for Vegas.
There is one thing that I was wondering about. Didn't the Halmones play for Arsenal at the weekend, shooting Fly's? Have they actually left the TonTon or what? How are they allowed to do that if they are sponsored by Small Parts?