What an event!!!!!!
From when I arrived on the wednesday morning (yes really

) to help start from scratch the netting/feild layout and hundreds of other things to when I left on the monday night after packing the event down with the organisers
Read most of the posts before this one, people forget that this event is setup from NOTHING, each year, this was my 2nd year that I've setup the event and although everything worked out alot better, it still takes a huge effort from a small group of people to make the whole think work.
So too those people the feilds were too small, adapt your game play, as already stated, had I played (will come to that later) then I would of found the feild sizes great for fast and aggressive game play, instead of the old, shoot out gns for 7minutes and see whos left scenario.
Anyways, from my point of view....
Punk band on the friday night, CLASSIC!!!, for those that could'nt drag themselves out of bed/or did not camp then too bad, but watching a group of lads giving it there all, was one of the more entertaining, night i've had in a while (damm that ash tray smashing must of hurt

Laser quest!!!!!, for those that gave it a go, was a great laugh, well worth the £1 a go to run round like kids with toy guns
Event layout, seemed to work real well, with walk ways around the feilds and the netting holding up very well, even though the high winds on the friday put it too the test, since we've all seen netting fail at tournys (round 5 PA for one). Each feild giving a different style of play
Marshalling, well I was the crono judge (guy with blue cast on arm) and only guy with a red sheild #12 on feild 3, from what I saw, bar the stupid "where am i hit" rubbish, all our games on the feild were ahead of time with only i think 2 problems all weekend, which were sorted quickly (one game was started but the crowd yelling instead of head judge), and I forget the other)
Big thanks must go out to all the other marshalls on feild 3 for a enjoyable sat/sunday, and sorry i was a tad hungover for the first few games on the sunday, but i must of got carried away at the players party
Players party- What can I say, from seeing my signed DV8 top going for a MASSIVE! £20


to seeing Jud (Man X) doing a run through, at the party in a different manner, to seeing my team mate for the 2nd year in a row, pay the highest price for a top, Howzee m8, less of the Stella, £250 can buy alot of stuff, but its all for a good cause.
One last thing, big well done to Inferno and Inferno Rage over the weekend, to finish 1st and 2nd overall, only saw the games you guys played on my feild, but you played real well, and thats coming from a 1st team DV8 player
Anyways, till next years Welsh open
Don't forget guys, Masters 10man and 3man still to come later this year, so still time to book your teams in and get sorted