yeah pika field 4 was a good field thanks mate
as to what i said before...ok im not a knob like this in person (am i??)...i probably wouldnt argue on-field and as of yet never have.
i know it is their job and sometimes it is difficult for them, no hard feelings or anything, loads of you guys and gals did a good job, but some of these problems can be solved by being as thorough as possible during the game, as nothing is ever resolved afterwards. ever.
i am not one of those people that comes back not having won a tourney saying 'oh we didnt win because the refs were ****'. we didnt win because we werent as good as Devastation this time, but next time maybe. i'm genuine and not complaining just for the sake of it.
i will shut up now sorry
John C everyone thought those DJs were crap (apart from themselves of course

, they thought they were sooo bling), we were thick enough to set up on the table right next to them on both days, doh!
the fields were nice, but short. either one of two things happened, either play turned aggressive, with lots of mad moves etc, or it turned into a volume game.
favourite field to play: field 3
best marshalling: field 4