welsh open my 2p
Small Fields- personally some new teams may struggle as size of the fields made the games aggressive from the brake, your back players were suddenly mid player and mids was front.
Some fields did have advantages as they were not equally mirrored , they were sort of twisted also this being the back centre bunkers did affect the game ? howether if you walked the fields you should have picked up on this one and possible adjusted your game plan , we did.
Marshalls , you guys did goo and i actually got one for oned which was a bad call as the player had no hit on him the marshall had the balls to stick to his guns nad not change his decision , but did say he got it wrong and sy sorry , guys no one is perfect untill you have tried to marshall and catch the cheats and playing on stop slating the guys and girls.
Im still in favour of the one for one rule , this is far better than sosters rule , as this can affect the team that cheats at the time they do it , although there should have been a lot more one for ones im suure you will all agree?? on that.
Toilets well i trapped my ass in the split in the seat

but thats PB in it , but i you had of played campaign the players bogs there really stunk bad , i only do my business in there and get out
Food great to see SALADS and a better selection of food than just that heart attack crap that follow us about big up for Lisa.
Ramping still some markers looked sus ??
Value for money well the paint ball great value 18 games for £80 thats great. plus you get to see two days of the pro tour which was awsome them guys just rock, big up for the Kelleys great year for them guys
Players party i paid £60.00 for two willy warmers , great for the winter thanks, great night .
Conclusion much better than previous years, next year will be even better.
Thankyou to to everyone involved , one of the best pb weekends for a long time.
Congratulations to all who played , all the winners and runners up , see you all next year